CUT A THE ECONOMY TRAVELING HEAD.— Heavier construction throughout. Built for hard work, longer life, and greater water capacity. NIGH YT WATERING. This has many advantages when “Economy” Traveling Sprinklers with Traveling Bases are used, because ist—A_ field can be properly watered at night, and played on next morning. 2nd.—A tremendous saving of Water, Time and Labor. Think of it! A.—No water evaporation rom sun, wind and heat. B.—No practice time lost because of day watering. C—Elimination of manual labor. No changing sprinklers at night. 3rd.—Firmer turf, due to slow penetration, resulting from even water distribution, and the elimination of water run-off to low spots. Watering in the cooler temperature of the night prevents burning of the grass. IMMEDIATE ECONOMIES. Installation and equipment costs are considerably less: operating costs are cut, and less water and labor required than with other types of equipment and methods of watering. Alo-172 APSO / ' “i . aie /000' ee A practical ane efficient layout for a full sized Polo Field, to be watered with Economy Traveling Base Units, showing location of outlets. Purther details and information regarding a new safe field connection, with automatic water shut-off, gladly given on request.