COPY OF OFFICIAL CALL FOR MEETINGS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COACHES President Kelleher Calls Conferences and Executive Committee Meetings March 24-25-26, 1944 Hotel Belvedere (Across 49th Street from The Garden) During the National Collegiate A. A. and the finals of the Invitation Tournaments at Madison Square Garden, New York City Because of wartime restrictions, we are asked not to hold our annual con- vention. Instead we are holding our conferences and executive committee meetings as we did in 1943. We urge every member who can make the trip to New York without overburdening transportation facilities to attend and to take part in the discussions. It seems imperative that the coaches, who can, should meet this year bringing with them the thoughts and feelings of their associates in the various areas. The Rules Committee is having full sessions Monday and Tuesday fol- lowing our meetings, and we must send to them a full and clear statement of our problems and our suggested solutions. IN PARTICULAR, IT IS IMPERA- TIVE THAT EVERY OFFICER OF THE ASSOCIATION ATTEND AND EVERY CHAIR- MAN OF A COMMITTEE; ALSO EVERY MEMBER WHO HAS HELD OFFICE OR BEEN CHAIRMAN OF A COMMITTEE. We must plan for the immediate future as well as for this postwar period. “INFORMATION PLEASE” At the Hotel Belvedere there will be a ‘Headquarters’ room where you may get information, meet your friends, argue about basketball, and know you are among friends. At the conferences, reports will be heard from various committee chair- men and from those having special assignments. HERBERT W. READ, repre- senting both the Research and the Rules sections, will make a full report on his questionnaire and will preside over the Rules discussion period. BRUCE Drake will present a special report on “goal tenders.” ADOLPH RUPP (whose team is in the Invitation Tournament) is Chairman of the Officials’ Committee. HaroLtp OLSEN (whose team is in the N. C. A. A. Tourna- ment) is Chairman of the Tournament Committee. BiLL CHANDLER is Bulletin Editor and should tell us about that “Penalty Box’ experiment. The N. C. A. A. promises to furnish gratis one ticket for Friday and Saturday nights to each member in good standing of the Coaches Association who attends the conferences. The Invitation Tournament Committee will provide a ticket for the Sunday night finals, but it may not be gratis. 4