6. Ethics Committee, Bruce Drake: No regular report, but observations only. Ned Irish: hospitality complimented. We should all make visiting teams feel more at home. Comments on officials — we should meet with officials on interpreta- tions, bringing them close together. Says N. C. A. A. asked to take tournament and lost first year about $2500.00. Now some say partici- pants don’t get enough of the profits — suggests that now that it is paying we might have message from coaches’ group to executive board of N. C. A. A. that participating leagues take 10 per cent, since the N. C. A. A. treasury is in good shape. ApOLPH Rup? says he is in favor of this, that in Kentucky foot- ball does not help basketball; basketball has to pay, can’t enter a tournament when no money is to be made. He says Olsen has done a great job for N. C. A. A., and suggests we help him; makes a mo- tion: That coaches group ask N. C. A. A. to allot a small per cent — 10 to 20 percent. Leaves the percentage to Olsen or N. C. A. A. at present. Bruce DRaKE says can’t get best teams in N. C. A. A. because of financial set-up. Van ALSTYNE (Mich. State) raises the question as to where the tournament is to be held; this makes a difference on finances. An amendment is suggested by Rupp, that a committee be named to discuss this. —The amendment is seconded. Passed unanimously. BriLt CHANDLER says the Coaches’ Association started the tourna- ment, and should get a cut — for the Bulletin, etc. H. O1sen says the N. C. A. A. is really us, not a separate organ- ization; have given $1000 or so to Coaches Association, thus indicat- ing interest. High School Committee, Lt. Nuttall: Observations only. High school calibre of ball not as good. Travel is cut down where bus and cars were used. Eighty per cent of high school coaches are those who have been out of game a long time, or are new. Rules Committee — Research Committee — Mr. Reap: Explains the questionnaire was sent to men here and there as best he could —could not cover all coaches. He mentioned equip- ment — on research — fan shaped board — ball —to come up later. So much for research. On rules: should let no personal interest come into play in chang- ing rules. One suggestion was that all rules remain the same for the dura- tion until we could get larger group together. Since then a number of the rules committee contacted said some groups, like the high school group, think changes are necessary. We should consider necessary changes. He mentioned “insoluble” issues — that may be thought over and discussed later: