THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COACHES of the UNITED STATES 1942 Basketball Questionnaire for College Coaches e For the Opinion of College Coaches on the Problems of the College Game February 28, 1942 Dear Basketball Coach: Numerous rules changes in past years have not been satisfactory to the members of the college basketball coaching pro- fession. Many have felt that the National Rules Committee had been acting in an arbitrary manner in the adoption of new equipment and the formulation of new rules. The Research. Committee: of. the National Association. of Basketball Coaches has made a careful study of the above sit- uation and feel that a measure of the difficulty in the problem rests in the failure of the COLLEGE COACHES TO PRE- SENT AN ADEQUATE CROSS SECTION OF THEIR OPINIONS. The attached questionnaire is being mailed to every college and university basketball coach in the United States. Your prompt return of the questionnaire to me will enable this association to present a definite, accurate picture of your desires relative to the conduct of the college game for the next year. PLEASE RETURN THE QUESTIONNAIRE IMMED- IATELY. PART I. DATA RELATIVE TO BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT A. BACKBOARDS: (1) Check backboard installation now used for games played in your gymnasium: (a) Rectangular............... VF OD issenecicsienss MEAL cs sons CARB cscssvnsrinsss (b) Fan-shaped................ Wood.......... seen REA ateeycvatea scons GlaG8 i. ccisacsee. ce (2) List total number of games played by your team during the present season in which the (a) Rectangular board | Was | Weds. sss. es coesiexpeegqesesesgecesse no. of games (b) Fan-shaped backboard was Sed... no. of games (3) Do you and your players prefer the : sate (a) Rectangular backboard ougestdties (b) Fan-shaped backboard See tate (c) Find either equally satisfactory. (4) Do you plan during the 1942-43 season to wishes (a) Retain the rectangular board 2 ‘ica (b) Retain the fan-shaped board ieee (c) Install the fan-shaped board asia (d) Replace the fan-shaped board (5) Do you believe that, in the light of the present demand for conservation of materials for the war effort, that the trend toward the FAN-SHAPED backboard in the college games would be a logical procedure? YES.....2ia. NO.......aincit (6) List number of backboards of each type which are installed in your gymnasium. (a) Rectangular backboard............cccsssseseseseeees no. of boards (b) Fan-shaped backboards.........ssscsssereeeeeseees no. of boards