(5) Permit a fifth personal foul before disqualification. Yes... PPOs cooescccet (6) If the rule proposal to grant a fifth personal foul before disqualification is not adopted, allow each player legally in the game at the start of the extra period ONE ADDITIONAL PERSONAL FOUL. TES. nncaiiion NOR Gee as (7) Provide for ONE SCORER, ONE TIMER, and ONE INSPECTOR; the INSPECTOR to assist both the TIMER and SCORER and to be SOLELY responsible to the REFEREE. Oh ties tccesse BIG cccacastete (8) By grouping the similar rules provisions together to condense the code to 10 RULES instead of the present 15 RULES. ES. iat. PA sis ecccdciecs (9) Due to the rigorous nature of the college game and the longer playing period, divide the play into four ten minute quarters (with two minute intermission between the first and second periods and the third and fourth periods and with 15 minutes intermission between the second and third period) and abolish the present practice of playing the college game in twenty minute halves. NES Frases INO orcstesestosecs (10) Do you favor the suggestion of enforced time-outs at specified intervals for the college game? We cccanicetas Pe iiceincntess (11) Proposals regarding the center jump: (a) Do you favor the return to the center jump as previous to action abolishing it? VS ss secccssserse: INO secrets (b) Do you favor its return after successful field goals? WS. ccs ONO oa sedesnitses (c) Do you favor the return to the center jump after successful free throws for personal fouls? VBR akin... BP i sattiasaee (d) Do you favor the return of the center jump as in (a) with the players ROTATING IN ORDER in the jumping positions? VEG igi NO: saietsitins (e) Do you favor the return to the center jump in the last five minutes of the game as a measure to prevent intentional fouling during the latter part of games by the team which is behind? NB asasssstines ons NOS seins (f) Do you favor the rule as now stated in the book? TE cassspiostes DEO icerdines ope (12) Would you favor calling the intentional foul to gain possession of the ball late in the game or to prevent a player breaking free for the basket at any time in the game a personal foul and a technical foul (unsportsmanlike conduct) respectively, with the ball being awarded to the offended team at mid-court after the fouls are attempted. In no case would the team be allowed more than two free throws on the single play. YES. .i.ncata WO eco antics (13) Do you feel that there is need for legislation limiting the length of time a player may play during each half or enforcing substitution of players after a given length of time? MBS iiss wssiatin NO, iicrccgionins BIG siisriscinssicis arse adiceieaes iinet Institution RP eR nieh oss eccscoectekls toverincuietiovasioctsestaivccit - .. State PLEASE RETURN AT ONCE TO: BLAIR GULLION Chairman Research Committee P. O. Box No. 493 ITHACA, NEW YORK