REPORT OF RESEARCH COMMITTEE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COACHES MORRISON HOTEL, CHICAHO, ILLINOIS Mr, Valentine Lentz - Chairman. Mr. President, Members of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and distinguished cuests. Our President, Mr. George Edvards; our secretary, Mr. John Bunn and the Chairman of this Research Committee, acting on the wishes of the last convention, have tried to make this committee nationally representative and also to have re- presented on it the two principal participants in our same, the Colleges and High Schools. With this in mind the following men were asked to serve, all of whom graciously accepted. Mr. Pierce works, representing the west coast; Dr. Forrest C. Allen, re- presenting the Middle West; Mr. H.V.Porter, representing the High School croup, and your Chairman representing the East Coast. In making this report I do not speak for the entire committee, as it has been possible for us to have only one meeting togather, so I am askins the permission of the chair to allow each member to have the floor either to add or substract from, the contents of my findings and to give his, or his section's, opinions in the matters of importance to this committee and t9 you. In an effort to find out what the members of this Association were doing in regard to rescarch, your chairman wrote to many of the leadinz coaches of the various sections of the country for contributions. A few were very co-operative. From the replies re- ceived the following problems seem to heve been given the most thought during the past season:- | . The effects of the elimination of the center jump. . Extension of the playing space under the basket to four fect, . The twelve foot basket Jump balls from the three six foot radius circles Lack of unifornity in equipment »« Tem second rule . three second rule In this report we shall take each of these problems sep- arately, and give you our findings and our recommendations. 1. The effect of the elimination of the center jump. Many new situations have come into basketball with the elimination of the center jump and many discussions have been held about these sit- uations. This is always the case when any decided or important change has been made in the rules. There is no reason why part- icipants in the game should become alarmed or hysterical about them. We should be patient, for in due time all these situations will adjust themselves and the rapidity of that adjustment will depend largely on how rapidly we coaches adjust ourselves. Some of the findings developing out of these situations are listed as follows:- nO IO Of Ww