They have two or should I have seid six, entirely different balls to adjust themselves to. The laeceless ball with seams with either rubbor or metal valves, the ball with seams and lace with either rubber or metal valves, and the seamless »all either plain or with grooves. Each of these balls has a different pressure, entirely different foel.different bouncing qualities and entirely different throwing advantages and disadvantages Here again our Rules body sheuld decide which of the balls is >est and legislate in its favor. This cammittee feols that we should have cne Dall and that it is the duty of this convention to rdcommend such a Dall. I believe tur. H. V. Porter of this committee has done quite a bit exqerimenting along this line and will go more into detail as to the committee's finding when he makes his report. Lastly, the visiting tcams meet three entirely “ifferent kinds of beskets; one, as prescribed in Rule 3, Section 1 & 2, another as prescribed in this rule but with leather, cloth or rubber padding around the ring and lastly, the newer Bask-o-lite Dbeskets. All three types of baskets named have different reactions to the ball, making it necessary for teams playing schedules as previously described cither to place the three different baskets in their own cquipment or try to adjust themselves as to their shooting and revound at game time. My own team played one game this senson where the Bask-o-lite baskets were used. We did not score a field goal in the first haif and had taken 32 shots the score at the end of the first helf enc- ing 17 to 2 against us. The final score of this same was 55-22. It had taken us 20 minutes to adjust ourselves to both our shooting and rebound play. Since playing Villanova I have been in touch with Mr. Severence, the coach, and here are his own reactions as to the baskets. Quote "Regardinf the Bask-o-lite »eskets. -well, my boys cuss them everytime they let one go and it does not hit true for it requires a well-timed followup to get anywhere. In all serious- ness, " Dutch", the fans here go for them pretty well. liy boys do not like them becauso they require a dead center shot to make the goal. They give you very little breaks. I also find that they have. been more severe on my equipment, Namely, balls but that could be remedied by a coverinys of rubber over the crtch that the ball hits. They are a saving from the view points of nets, etc. We use both for practice having only run into them about five times, I believe they do add a little color to the geme from the spec- tators! viewpoint." Ungquote. The type of basket as prescrived by Rule 3, Section 1 & 2, but with leather, cloth or rubber covered ring acts exactly opposite from the Bask-o-lite type. This basket deadens the shock and nearly all the re>dounds are within a four foot radius uncer the basket, thus giving the team with the exceptionally tall men an adventage and tending to create more than the usual amount of rough play uncer the »asket, and also increasing the number of jump balls and out of bounds plays at the end line This committce again recommends one type of basket. Here again lct us select the type approved by the majority, recommend our choice to our Rules body and reauest them to legislate acainst all others. Let us keep in mind that this frame belongs to the individual playing it and not to coaches or to the manufact- urers of athletic cquinment.