To the. above motion, the following sentence was sid "In the fore» going cases, the player who takes the position described is responsible for the contact unless other factors are involved." The motion was ‘carried 23-0. . : A motions "the player who is attempting to screen is responsible if contact occurs when he is moving, if his opponent is stationary or re~ treating from him." It “passed | 25=06 A motion: "In dther cases of contact resulting from an attempt to sereen, when both players are in motion, both may have fouled, but in case of doubt, the greater responsibility is on the player who is attempt- ing to screen," ‘The motion was carried °&=0. ih MOuLOns ie face-guarding is dueisaned, add the following: If a player disregards the ball, faces an opponent and shifts his position as the opponent shifts, such playor is primarily responsible for any contact ‘that ensues unless other factots are involved." It was carried 30=0 It then was voted to abolish the tern "face-guarding". A motion: "The 10-second be retained as ay present in the, rules!!! It was carried practically unaninously. It was then brought out that thé Western Conference had adopted a new ruling to extend the end lines two feet, to eliminate whistle~blowing beneath the baskéete President Carlson inquired just how many ruling noking bodies really existed. A mdtion was made that the Coaches Associa» tion do not change the relationship of the end line and back~board. It passed 34-0. The question of raising the baskets to 12 feet and naking the back-boards smaller was brought up but failed to obtain any discussion. The lémfoot circle, concentric with the centre circle, also was brought upy ‘but evoked no intereste The commnication rule was regarded a good point. The four-time outs was also favorably received. ~~ Chairman Read, in drawing‘ the close of the sesSion, appealed to the coaches for ho coaching fron. the benche He drew a distinction between coaches of the ."uncontrolled prina donna’ tenperanent" and those who "do that to gain an advantagee” "Let us be honest and face the facts," said Mr. Read. "We ask here for better officiating, and we can't get it unless we cooperate." Art Kahler proposed a motion that "A fellow who is fouled while in the act or after having passed to a man in a scoring position, who scores, the offensive team shall have the power to decline the foul and count the basket, instead." He pointed out the merits of such a new ruling in the closing seconds of a close game, After Oswald Tower explained the diff- iculty with which’ the ae would be carried out, Kahler withdrew his motione _ By a vote of 25—=3, the body passed a motion to extract the note under the Rule XV, Section 9, in regard to striking a uan's wrist while sinultaneously hitting the ball, in the act of shooting,