Chandler made a motion that "A team which has been fouled be per~ mitted to decline the free throw penalty and be awarded the ball out of bounds at the center of the sidelines, the centre of the court, out of bounds, this to apply to both technical and personal fouls." The team could take the first foul and decline the second and take the ball out of bounds. The official is to steer the. ‘dalle The motion was carried unanimously. oa With President Carlson in the chair, the body gave a rising vote = thanks to Mrz. Reade ee Mr. Tower then made a plea for uniformity. He explained that if bodies made a practice of experimenting with new rules,.without official. approval, the game would get out.of controle He approved the Pacific Coast's action of first receiving pee eeye to oT with = elimination of the eenend Jump « George Réwerds: called soublnwy set 9g wit ée ‘for the gamee Dr. John Brown and Nat Holman spoke similarly A motion was made, and unanimously passed, that the association send to-each 6f ‘the separate rules’ podies a plea that it would’ like then to use: their utmost nda to cteaptosties and. form, or re-form, a on * ‘rules: PoE REC Soe Ed Hickox presented the following proposal of the nominating = Sees dent pe Th, 498, 2; _ spread, Mevddbe! awards; Univ. of ene. ist Vice President .... <:* Wms S.' Chandler, Marquette ena Vaee President. «.«..+ +-+: »,Be Be Grover, Ohio University 3rd Vice President i °. eo. s Net Holman,’ City College of N.Y. Secretary~ Treasurer 4 .°. .-'. John Bunh, Stanford Board of Directors. . v>.°i°s « Drv-H.@.Carlson, Pittsburgh Univ, | s i a OURS aed Temp est, Purdue University ‘-** “George Keogan, Univ. of Notre Dane by thniug tp ae, 5, Shee Ree y Bit." State phake ante ahi TO 4 pee ' Colle; A notion was nade | i uncininousiy: accepted — the pyobseed slate an Se ; A notion was made and unanimously passed, that a vote of thanks be given to Nick Kearnse A rising vote of thanks was given to the —_— adninistration,. the neet ing adjeuined « at: at 25 Pelle