we . wee ee eee” “> ee a : ee Se see ee 1 om ay * wa *% . + as “" “ al a oA , ss ~~ ~ NATIONAL ASSOGLIATION x 4 of 5, a BASKETBALL COACHES: # ale “8 0 0 oO 0.0 000 we fe 1S as ats — BULLETIN NO. 1. SERIES 1937-38, ate ean * : EDITOR: Pronk '. Keaney, | .. Rhode Island ¢tate colicge “es we kA Of ey eye OS Coaches opinion of the New Basketball. ee oe emnriaienn oo First, we are not using the new seamiess ball to any extent out here, It will not be used in cur Conference games. However, tT playe@ around with the .ball al) last sumer, We found that if “he pressure in the ball was controlled to” between seven and vignt pounds, tnen we had: no difficulty with the ball whatever, 14 was not tow lively and wiile we scrimmaged with the ball and used léng passes a great dual, we did not’ notice any evidence of sinking or curving of the ball different from the old bedi os cl: have been prejudiced against the bell right from the stare ithis, of course, is not a scientific point of view. Speaking without bias, I think taere is much. to recommend the ball and I have no doubt but that within a short time, it will replace the other ball, It certainly holds its shape better; it wears very mien tr longer and I think we will adjust ourselves:to the feel of this type of ball within a short time, IT do not at present have any of the seamless balls on hand, However, I shall. take opportunity to study this particular point which you have raised. If I get any results which contradict the above, I shall write you. It is my opinion that: all-of the bad features of the ball have not been entirely eliminated and until .they have been we will not use then, é ; The biggest sales talk to me is the fact that my boys do not cere for the ball, Naturally. I feel that I would be foolish to ask them to use something in which they have no confidence, and we can hardly afford to buy bells just to decorate the sidelines. My boys do not like the néw.seamless bell, They will -pick .up an ‘ald and’ very much worn. ball with a lace ‘rather than.a.brand new seamless ball, I tellithem/it is in® their’heaa, but «they do not like the new ball. They say they play and shoot better. with a laced ball,'ve. find our guards throwing curves with the seamless pall when they hook pass out after taking a ball oft the back board for a fast break, I bought half dozen new seamless balls but the kids dont even want them in the gym cléss,