More on the New Ball, NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ‘STATE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC. ASSOCIATIONS. Letter: | | a . ? One of the most significent the field of sports has been the perfection of basketbalis made cither in a spherical mold of over a last of wax, The National Federation officials have been active in furtasring this development, They have made-a thorough investigation of the methods of manufacture _ and design used in the production of all balls of this type, Among those which have been found to constitute a real contribution to: .. the game is the ball’ manufactureée over a wax last under the "Last-. Bilt" patent, ve believe that the perfection of the Last-bilt.and . other approved tynes of molded balls is one of the most important. . developments of the last decade’ and that schools will find them. economical and a contribution to accurate play, As a result of the investigations which have been made con- cerning these balls, the National Federation approves them.for play in any high school game or tournament and.encourages school men to use them along with other approved types of molded balls. Comprehensive. tests indicate a "Last-Bilt" ball or other approved molded ball will outwear several stiched.balis, that every ball issa perfect spheré,: that the. -Daill. does, nor stretch after be- ing in use, and that the constant and controlled reaction is con- ucive to more accurate passing, dribbling and shooting. je. re- commend the "Tast-Bilt" ball°as one of those of the new construct- ion that conforms the National Federation quality and durability Standards, For ali inflated balls, conformity with the definition of 4, "legal ball" as specified in the official rules depends upon the pressure to which the ball is infalted. It is the responsibility ofthe user to inflate the ball to the pressure that will insure conformity with the rules, This should be the pressure: stamped on the ball by the manufacturer. "ie believe that the use of the molded type ball will result in great economy and playing benefits, — ee Sages B. Te "Butch" Grover, Ohio (miversity, has beem.seriously ill for some months, He spent most of the summer in a hospital and has been unable to attend actively to his duties as director of athletics during the fall. The opeming of the basketball season finds him recovered enough to assume his task of coaching the teams,