Ye used the Riddell eight-pound new model ball in:our Sumner School basketball course, Ye Llikec it very iawel,” Dirt hesitated to use it less the _ difference in resiliency and ease of ball handling would " off" in: games played with, other types of ball, pennkiy, tT tiked the bail-and have no personal* interest in’1th Permit me at the very opiset to. ‘State $aa tok otic ve anode col study of this ball and’ hdve fotnda it extremely. wiseteyt.e Lory. Ly observeti ons: have been thas ay bovs. séen,:iornfiad bicexenise difficult an making. Leng ‘passes, Fur theriaor 6%: gad canwot obtain. that finger- tip. contrel which is so essentiar to accurate Shoah ing because of :the smoothness of ithe ‘surface, AS a result, Qur: graduate manager of the College has informed ail .of- the: ‘teams. : that wé are’ to pray’ that we will not use that wa bES this season, ve 18 Shabinger, - Teter ecach of creighton on. seamless. egg ARs 1, Bail is perfect sphere ; : Ce TES Waleani ged=o: 3, Tested by-thachine and driven at velocity: of pide te Af ter -325, 006 blows it ehanee 8/28 | of an -irioh in cir- cumferenice:. ye ~ Ball dropped 6 fob rebounded 4 feet 8 inohes., Laceless report 4 feet. eh in¢nes - - feet. 3 inches. and 3 Seen, 2. inches’ all datterent. x 3. s ow tO $:. o. a, ott. boerd much ferthor. roar oe FS cd ele TS . : sus ae ie carn ee Ege ERS Art eeattay, “penial- adfeonalig “Of. ah oen chi vena ty. providence, a2: R.1., writes that; ne believes: the: new: basketball rules are ab- : solutely 0O.K. and :issure™ ‘the basketball public will go for then one hundred percent, He asserts that the court fans crave. action,’ and with the abolishment of the;centre tay, ne predicts thet: they Ses will get all the excitement ‘and nee soe they crave in sone prepamea f - oe wid! dey ee % Colby pullcse : :1s tollomnane ‘ane trend of the Maine ponerer =. by adopting a basketball schedule this year with its first. — taking up play under Coach Ed Roundy. .The facilities “for the ge previously inacaquate, abe being realized with the construction of ‘a: new Hoard f1 dor: in’-the’ field house,,