DEMONSTRATION OF: COOPERATION: “0”, | HELD AT KANSAS CITY 1S UNIQUE Litsiw oa Be “Daring: | they first week of ‘piconbes a unique, demon- stPasiaae ‘of cooperation between conferences’ and coachés..and officials was held at-Kansas Citys. < The. faculty. representa- tives, coaches and officials. toe all major sel lege conferences In this’ ‘territory met. in‘’a two- ~day. sessions: First’ each group held meetings. of; its. oway “to. ‘discuss. ‘squedulee ‘and * ‘Other ath- se hetic® problems, -. » then’ they! met’ in, an open’ neeting to. exchange io VayieWwe. Tre’. eTedtae: session’ Wasa ‘basketball: rules. interpre- station discussion:whith - wag” ‘atiended , by coaches atid officials “ended by. Dre "Pog": soap hevong organizations represented ae tN “were The | Missouri. Malley (BigeSix)}, “issouri, Valley ‘Conference , Kifer -caatveues eottrerences “OT; Kansas; “two. more . from . Missouri, and. the: Junior College conferences: Of: the. “two. wstates, 4 @i total Of eight: econferentes, Basketball certainly should ore ‘by. such. close contacts, “11 the Poe involved: bakane oparty he wigad .. reioriow |: th ais 28 ess ; ; Se re ob t3E 3 * “the 4 main: jp o-kertik in badketbali. Hanan screening . cand. ee new’ ‘fule,- involving: the’ €limination of the center | “juatp . = ee hundred Agaches: mie officials, were present, A $8 a aye ‘this Oe a Missouri Valley.Of? ‘ieials ‘ASSO~=: A eto ri was.formed for. the purposé! of pronetiin: uniform inter- -pretataon of f6otball-andi-baskettdall, rules andiof assuring a . -eloser:éoepération:with-schoéis: THé .offic=rs. “elected were... 2 he bw Thomas ‘Toneka, oresi@ént j and ‘Gene Kemper, also of... oes 'séeretary- viene dpe Th members forming: the | “exe Cur, Mie Ee i, Re ee ers he ting ‘MissodrD;’ William ‘agi! bine ns gerbe A tl Nebraska: Harry HasBrouck, Des Moines, representing, Iowa; and: Richard... Pendleton, Norman ,,,.representing ‘Oklahoma.. ; Organization’ of. the association was. ‘the result ofoa resolution passed last - Snrigg: - Making ‘it mondatery:for officials to attend iulés® ‘interpre-, tation meetings. Conformit; in interpretation ‘of the : rules .- (0,90 8 footvall and | ‘baawetha bi! Detween ‘@fficials: ‘and schools are oka ‘the: aims.” WE Ss ae Ens 2 eo >t