_ NEWS, Mr. E.A. Thomas of Topeka was elected president of the. new Missouri yalley Athletic Officials! association, and Gene Kemper, also of Topeka, was chosen secretary-treasurer, These members form the executive committee; fed O'Sullivan of Kansas City, representing Missouri. William pay of Lincoln, representing Nebraska. Harry HasBrouck of pes Moines, representing Iowa, Richard, Pendleton of Norman, representing Oklahoma, Organization of the association was the result of a resolution passed last spring by the Big Six conference, making: it mandatory for Officials to attend rules interpretation meetings, Conformity in interpretation of the rules of football and basketball between officiebsand:schools.are .the aims... .. ,° -_—_— = — = Bill Chandler, basketball coach at Marquette, Milwaukee, “Misconsin, does nat seem to be particularly happy these days, for he writes us to take’a look at His court schedule, and then requests that aspirins be sent him, 4 basketball clinic was held at Wesleyan College, Middle- town, Connecticut on November 195, | es 3 —_—— lh Next Convention; Chicago, Fie Monday i eee April 4 and 5, 1958, dagger sau . wv ce