Remorks by Soeretary-Treasurer John Bunn. I thought it night be pertinent to point out and to enumerate just a few of the things that have come to the Secretary during the vear. In the first plnce, I didn't realize that this National Associection of Basketball Coaches was such an important organ- ization until I became Secrotary-Traasurer. Neithor did I realize that there were so many things to sell to a convention until I bacame Secretary-Treasurcr. think that of the 500 or 600 icttors I have written, fully sove aty-five per cent of them have: beento hotels, chambers of commorce, ahd the like, in the various citics of the United States Gesiring that this convention mect there next year. i think the netivity around this hotel. in the last day and a half is indicative of the interest to have our convention in vavicus citics of the United States next year. Neither did I realize that there were so many trinkets that should go along with a ccnvontion, such as badges, types of entertainnent, picture taking, and so on, and so forth, which have engaged most of the ettention of the Secretary during the past yoar. i think probably it might be pertinent to remark that during this year an attompt has been made by our Presicent to distribute the work of the Association. Heretofore, mach of it hans fallen upon the shoulders of the Secretary, Put your Peesidont has this year seen fit to make our committees and other officers in the Association become more active in their particular duties. As a result, the preparations for this convention were handled entirely by the Convention Comnmittec. Pir peg gtration a? manhons . 8s yOu hows eronaply neve ty hea beon handied entirely by the Registration Committee, and a6 on; i wight ge through the others. Some of the eninge which our High | School Gommittoo has poavested have boen put into practice at this year's convention. The Secretary has sean fit to attempt to reorganize the record of mombership, ané@ a card file has beon made out which I think will probably more adequately give us a roccrd of our membership witnout noving to leaf through too many pages, and delinquencies and new members can be added in alphabetical order in this way without very much difficulty. In addition, it wes found, since the job of Secretary- Treasurer - bab hand in hand, that our accounts were in the past made on a shect of 8-1/2 X 11 paper, or whatever happened to be handy. It ecnes fitting that we have a more pe ermanent record and, as a au. the journal account system has Deen started this year. It isn't an expensive scheme at all, in that once it is set up it is good for seventy-five years without further expense,