Renarks by the Secretary-Treasure Cont'd. Probably the most important things of interest to you will be those things vith respect to the finances of the Association. I may say this past year more money was turned over to the new Sccretary-Treasurer than has ever been turned over before. For that reason, our finances are in fairly sood shape, although ve don't have enough money to do a lot of things we would like to do. Last year there wore 103 paid registrations of members. There were 113 men who attended the bangquct. Total receipts for last veer vere $991.54, The expense of running last year's convention, togother with the various miscellancous expenses brought about by committees and the Secretary, anounted to. $554.51, leaving a balance on hand, as of November 23, 19387, of $437.05. We had that amount with which to bogin our now year. it is not possible to give you an accounting for this year, because our registrations are just now taking place ana funds are just coming in, but that report will be forthcoming at the noxt convention. ' I micht report as Mr. Edwards has suggested, that the Anditing Committee, composed of Mr, Lambert, Mr. Chandler, and My. Grover, heave gone over the records of the financial report and have found everything to be correct anc intact, and. have anproved that report. The records of this year will go te them immediately following the close of this convention. Renarks by Mr. BE. J. Hickox, Chairuan of Membership Committee. Mr E. J, Hickox: lir, President and Fellow Coaches: The Membership Committoe chnirman wishes to report that this committee has takon its Cuties sortously, and that its several. members have given both tine and effort tovard builcing up the Association ané urginz conches to attenc this convention. Bach district rovresentative contactod the eccackes in his area, cach having sent the membersnip list, and also the names of non-nember coaches in college ‘positions. The chairman sent cut 100 basketball letters, as did at least one other committee member, More than 500 letters altogether, stressing membership went out to member and non- momber coaches, The per cent of college coaches in various areas that belong to this Association runs approxinately as follows: District No. 1, New Encland 21 per cent Diatriat No, 2 12 per cent District No. 5 12 per cont District No, 4 5.2 per cent » Chicazo Area 29 ver cent per cent por cent per cent per cent por cont, District No. District No. District No, Viatricet No. 6 District No. g District Novia ~~ OF OH af a ES i mm os Oo OD +