DISTRICT TO (cont. ) Villanova Col., Villanova, Pa. West Virginia U., Morgantown, ‘.Va. DISTRICT THRE Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Ala. Catholic Univ.of Anerica, Washington, D.C. Eentenary College, Serevaport, Citadel, The, Charloston, 5.0. Clemson Asriculturnl College, Clenson College, 8. ©. Collere of William & Mary, Williansburg, V¥ae6 Davidson Collece, Davidson, N.C. Duke University, Durgam, N. C. Frrmnan University, Greenville, 5.0. Georsetorm University, Washington, Ds Ge : Technology, .. Atlante, Ga. Howard University, “nshintton, DV Jonun Hopkins University, Baltinore, Ma. Kinz’ Collese, Bristol, Tenn, Louisiann Polyte chnic Institute Ruston, La. LouigianaState Univ., Baton Rouge, . th, New Orleans, State iA. Goorcia Sehee. oF wy Loyola University, La. Miss sisskppi State Colleze, 70LLoge Cy Miss. Mary's Colleze, Mnnitsburs, Md. Rollins Collese, “intcr Park, Fla, Tulenc University, New Orlesns, La. United States Naval Acadeny, Mount St. Annapolis, lid. University of Alanana, University, : - Blas Univ. of Beltimore, Baltimore, Md. Univ. of Florida, Gaindsville, Fla. Univ. of Gcorgia, Athens, Ga. Univ. of Kentucky, Lexineton, Ky. . Univ. oF Maryland, Collece Park, Md Univ. of Itlami, Coral Gavies, Fla. VAIV,. OF eaiost cos, University, liiss. Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hit, Ba Ge Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, 5.0. nm tt ts ie DISTRICT THREE (cont. ) Sewenec,Tonn. Knoxville, Tenn Univ, cf the South, Univ. of Tennessce, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. Vanderbilt Universit: , Tenn. Virzinia oa Ai tary Institute, Lexington, Ve. Virginia Sckotcstinic Institute, Blacksburs, Va. Wake Forest College, Wake Fores N.C. Washinston & Lee University, Lexinston, Va. Xavier University, New Orlenns,La. Nashville, t, DISTRICT FOUR Beloit College, Beloit, "“isconsin Bradley Polytechic Institute, Peoria, Ill. Indianapolis, Indiana Northfield, Butler Univ., Carleton Collecec, - Minn. C_se School of Applied Scicnce, c Gleveland, Ohio | Denison Une Ves Grenville, Chio DePauy Univ, Greenenstie, Ind. Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Enute, Ind. Indiana Univ., Bloominzton, Ind. Kenyon pa Gambier, Ohio Rnoe Coliosce, Gricsbure, lll. | owrence ‘Bolle~e, Anpleton, Wis. Marquette Univ., Milveukee, Wis. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Michivan State Collece, Enst Lansing, Mich, Michis‘en State Normal Colleze, Yosilenti, Michicen Northvestorn University, Evanston, bile Oberlin, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Ohio Delaware, Ohio. Lafavett, Ind. Chicaro, Ill. Oberlin Colle: Ohio State Univ., Ohio Univ., Athens, Ohio Yesleyan Univ., Prrduc Univ., Univ.of Chicaso, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cinn, Ohio Univ, of Detroit, Detroit, Mich, Univ. Of Tijingis, Uroanna, iil. ia hii ii Ni as