(6) the Fast have shown the so-called illegel offensive mows while the defense is committing whet ere almost unperdonable sins in the West All of us heve a tendency to be provincial ana to claim that our view- points are right. Because of more intensive discussion of interpretation, admin- istrative problems will be solved just as legislative cnd technical problems have been clarified. Priority of position can be noted as well for the offense as it is for the defense. There is as much illegal blocking by the defense es is manipulated by the offense.’ One of the absurd interpretetions tolerated by some Hasterners was demonstrated in the Olympic Finals at Madison Square Garden. A player tied up an opponent by putting both arms eround him from the rear to grab the ball. The offi- cial simply called this act a held ball. Such an interpretation, with other arbi- trary re-writing of rules, is bound to cause misunderstanding anong the mejority of teams which try to follow the limitations made by the Rules Committee in the Guide. Basketball coaches, like all humans, desire victory. ‘Some are more agegres- sive than others. It is sad to see & lot of hard work nullified by some thoughtless or eareless official. Just when, where and how persistently should one protest to an official is a coaching problem. Many old axioms es "the creakiest wheel gets the most greasé™, end others, ‘sre in the minds’ of some coaches. Nobody doubts’ thet in a high percentage, of cases the coach does gain some advantage in decisions by being a chronic beggar,’ but ‘the price is ‘tOO ae one trait. ‘is psychologically regressive and leads backwer ad rather than forwar ae ‘si the’ 's a which mal ukes ‘a child stemp ‘his feet and scream’ when venus’ “h piece of ‘ean dy’. It ‘has a’ carry-over into: the more important things of 1ifé.' # fellow wouid be: eeeused’ of lack’ of ‘courage’ if he would not kick when short-changed a dime, but when he talks with an officiel after Winhihg a game he is tohsideréd as petronizing, or if’ cfter he loses he is listed” as a crab. So many games are decided De a toot of the whistle that it is one of the most importent administrative: prabic omsiui Vet! there ds. little or no sane checking between coaches end officials. Everyone admits that a’ bas sketball’ off of this difficulty is brought on by the’ ort ict abreast of code changes. One well-meaning grou’ still call accidental kicking of the ball by an offensive player; others: are a year behind on the dribble-fumble change; and some still are floundering + ith’ the mid-court line. Inability to be consistent is a human fault which Bll ‘OF us have +o. ‘a’ greater or less extent, but some officials show pale er vefietions in their neeting of certain situations, and »ring condemnation on themselves. On different nights or at different times in the same game officials vary in their held ball decisions ali the way from tegging the bail to a complete wrestling’ match, Again, when ‘a’ shooter crash 128 into, a guard on the’ follow-up whet appes rs to be an _indentical situstion 2 rey’ be called. thres ” ‘different MBYS », te is er i bags At per ties S44 Tet ieial- has a most difficult job. Much als ‘t themselves. Some fail to keep iD : Tes : eee 3S ae eee ey 7d * hus 27 ey 3 ces ; 7 é ~ s. EELS EEE Pe er age os Pat pee 2 tl en ree — so ; ‘ een : as Be ap ye een’: . . t a in addition to ruié’ laxity’ and: wide ‘variation some officials. bring thore grief: on thems selves in attempts: oo: stage a one-man show while attenpting’ tO’ add” , "eolor” to their’ work “Most players and ‘coaches feel ‘that & basketball game’ should: be a ‘eontest between “t¥r0° ‘teams with the officicls as ‘a’ controlling ‘tyellence’ “which should bé as- inconsvichous’ as’ possible. Pseudo’ ‘dromaties, (goal shooting’ und other referéé demonstrations’ distract: spectator attention. It Ge ane axiom in all’ athletics that the player who "grendstands" thinks so much of his individual performance that his team value is questio yuable. Obviously the dramatic official is thinking of his own show’ more: . than effic Lent wore in hendling “the: “pi av.” “ BY attracting undue, impor- tahee to himself’ sach Ah’ official’ ‘ultipli¢es | ercatly’ the stfect= o ‘oy, ear or he mékes The #064 official’ doés’ not™ céré to’ be’ thé ‘salient: Pecttire; ‘but - "deetere o be in. the background | and See “that the + am’ ‘whi oh’ plays’ thé’ be at ale becomes “the: winner. “There are’ too féw of this type and thelr See arcity’ teads td: th " coneLits sion thet ofticiatine es not aoe pace with! Sehr devel Spiacnts. of the. Gomes 7 4 ME TPES wr A 2 Yad oes Pr yrs Piles Se it ae a wt “Tee RPE +s yt erie te ae alias