(8) ‘The A.A.U.-Y.M.C.A. committee has. named Nat Holman, City College of New York, as the official interpreter of its code. They heve been joined in the rebellion by the Public Schools Athletic.: ‘League. of New York City,- Jewish Welfare Board, American ‘Sokol Union, Military Athletic Leegpe,. Catholic Youth Organization, and Slovak Catholic: ‘Schools. A consideration. of this list introduces an interesting angle. It will be “noted that headquarters of. each of these organizations is located in New York Orig: Also the leaders in, the Y.M. C. A. and. A.A.U. who engineered the move are New York men. Tht rules interpreter. is a New York coach. “Can it be that New York City basketball leaders are challenging the right of the rest of ‘the coun- try to have a pmejority. vote ‘7. pees game! Ss’ a PEaNas oo". neu Nyt mile: ‘such a: Bad Aes fay be qeeeas Bipseete ‘of the imagination’ one fact is ae ae “The New York arca has for several years enforeed an interpretation | of screens and blocks which has béen opposed by all other sections” in the country end proclaimed illegal by both. the‘N.¢. Avi + High School committee members and by Dr. James Naismith; the gamets-inventor.. That the, interpreter of ‘the révoltets will edopt the New York policy on screens end blocks may be essumed without littlé con-- tradi tion, end soon such a wording: “wilt be in the AvA.U.-Y.M.C.A. code. And that will we ous. & eee 3 in the | direction of a | oFestigelly different set of rules. ‘Be, cohareer’ ee artinete: Mevits f this’ schisn. “Players: who have ‘Leerned the ge eine “under one code will have: Seueaceebie difficulty playing under another . and the growth of inters ectional competition. wilt be re Pity the ‘poor offi-: cial who hendles an AAU. game one night and. . eolleze : gene ‘the next. Wort ‘the © boos be nosty?: : Spectators never yet. heave. NENTS even one eet of rules, anid now apres we are asking: ‘them’ 46 Know. two.” Wont t: coaches, howl when the referee slips: e “COB end célls the wrong bhred: ‘second rule, or fils to decide whether é player is: ‘ons ea titled to his floor ‘position ‘or must:zet out-of the WEY of (some: “abtensive than “fA = pursuit. of his opponent? Those connected with the game between 1966 ard1912 Know only” ‘too well how ger rarer. pleying, eerase nay Aurt. the gene. ied eg 7 af rt “Unless the Sheek? bnony! ibe wieeets. can en ‘peetear the dare ages“in basket=' ball “will Hethirn, ?°8 Some way’ or other’ this. Association. must help, in’ the Teoves that will bring uniformity’ back to: the game.:..The best method to do. this is’ hara’to?" fo determine at. this: time. Prdédably! group: action: may be wists, but ‘the opportunity tor this must await our convention. In the meantime members, should be gathering’ ‘fects | and opinions so that the most! serious: threat to the welfare of vasketbatl® ‘in teat years may pe, overcome. t- ~ sina Nais ‘homes Bddie’ past’ is hee. ‘nid! ‘pasketbald ooach ‘at me ‘Lois thitversityt ‘tak he the plade of Mike Nyikos Mrs "DaRLason is 8 graduets. of St, “Louis Ue, and te arr practicing lawyer. : . eo mit ES Bne a J. H. Heisman, football :and bagkctbeall each ot Georgia Tech from 1904 to" ‘1920, died at his' home’ in New York City on Octob er o..8 fter a ‘short ‘illntss OF | pronehial ‘Dreumonia.” Be Was te a 67. yours old. ae f fat) 3 Mini ‘ a ae ee ee cee ee | Mark’ etter’ new footbed coach: ab ‘Swe arthmore college in’ ‘Pbonsplvante, also’ wit? handle the’ basketball. ‘Goam’ this senson. He was” connetted lest? year with - Arizona State Teachers College..' : = er bee Pues ow eee coe ere ne ae ee oe ae ee oe leas aia Blair Guliichy University of Tevinessee, has. announced: the publication of.ax now, book, - "Basketball Fundamentals: Analyzed"... It is.» companion text for, bis... older work, "100 Drills for Tec ching Basketball Fundementals", which has enjoyed a, brisk sale for several yearse clatomerion: | Sag ECSREL UBS? Pooks, HAG ys be: obtained 1 by, writing the euthor. ““"" ~ Eg IIE ; + "beni : ce oh eae Oh atl ee, ms : bee F A dal ean ddl i ghind bg: Pe AE Bi a Rea aa oben etki? came Ds ee J al