(9) | After more then thirty. years connec étion with athletics Dr. Weltor E. Meanwell will devote his time tothe -practicésof medicine. Dr. Meanwell first developed the short pass game snd with its use his teems won many chempionships at Wisconsin and Misscuri. ~He hes ‘served’ many years- on the Netionsl Rules. Committee 0 and was chairmen of the American Olympic Basketball Committee. He is the author of several books on training and playing technique, and has been influential in national basketball circles for many yeers.. Coaches everywhere hope that his new duties will. a not entirely divorce bin from the ame to which he has given the greater pe art of his life. _J. Craig Ruby, 2 former Meanwell forward at Missouri, and for twelve year oach at the University of Illinois, also has retired ard is in the insurance business in Ke unses City, Mo. His vlace at Illinois is being teken by Douglas R. Mills: Mr. . Ruby was a charter nomber of the Coaches ‘Association, served one term as its presi- caens chas. been cheirmen of several ‘of its most important committees, and has ‘contri ~ bu ed much in research to the gane. _- = -_- _~_ - _ - - - _-_ — ad -— |= “— - od — meee —_— — - os _—_— —_— ee — ” = i