NATIONAL ASSOC TATION OF Beg Sako’ Tiberasl COACHES DE IK A KO I KG OK 9g 2 2 2 2K 2K KE BULLETIN NO. 2 SERIES 1936-37 EDITOR: George R. Edwards, University of Missouri A CONFERENCE SEEKS TO EKEDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE DIFFICULTIES The December issue of this Bulletin contained a plea from Dr. Carlson, Association President, for a change of emphasis on the part of coaches from the continuous bivkerine over interpretations to a more constructive program leading to better administration of contests. For many years the financial agents of colleges and high schools have discussed contracts, guarantees, com- plimentaries, and admission prices. It has been customary for business men to write out their agreements and to base their operations on such codes. Gradually the financial phases oe interschool athletics heve become uniform through such practices. Coaches, on the other hand, have ignored the examele of the business officials in schools and have done little or nothing to standardize geme ad- ministration through written agreements. Meany well-knit conference froups have been moving in this direction for some time, but little hee been done to correlate these steps. The writer is of the opinion that this Association might adopt as a worthy project a collection of the administrative acreements of a large number of conferences and, with these as a basis, prepare & compre- hensive sect of regulations. Simply as an example of some of the material needed the suggestions of two major groups of the Missouri Valley is given here: l. Officials should notify athletic authorities upon their arrival in town. 2. The home authorities should notify the visitors of the exact starting time of the game. 3. The home team is to wear white uniforms. The visitors are to dress in their school colors. 4. A copy of the official box seore shall be mailed by the home team to the conference secretary immediatciy after the geome. 5. The visiting team is to send to the home team at least four days in advance of the game the names and numbers of all players who will meke the trip;together with a probable starting line-up. 6. The home team may use as many players as it desires. The vis- itors are limited to ten players. 7, Each school is to exchange with all conference members informa+ tion about its squad, primarily for publicity purposes. This information should include number, name, position, height, weight, aze, home tovn, year on the soued, men Lost by graduation, veteran lettermen returning, end other player and teem records which might be of interest.