ORR BASKETBALL I. D. WHITE, M.D, B, Ce BOLD Clinton Basketball and basketball tournaments as playod in Indiana have borno the brunt of several attacks from more of less responsible sources and personages in recent momhhs. In an attompt to verify or refute the criticisms, the foblowing questionnaire was sent to 108 high school principals and coaches in all sections of Indiana. Their answers and comments, together with the name of the high school they represent, are given in the following, and the final conclusions are based upon those anstors and our personal exporicnccs. A summary statement or a gtatemont of the findings of this questio1 naire should include the subject-mattcr shown in the table on pages four and five, Tae gchools rosponding to the questionnaire meke up an cexcellcnt cross scetion of Indiana basketball. The principals and coaches from those schools cre exporicnecd men, Few wovld question the integrity of these men who are working with our Indiana boys. Tho answers are statements and opinions bascd upon years of experiences whth boys end for boyse The result is an almost unanimous vote for Indiana basketball as it is managed under the High School Athictic Associatikn regulations. It ig an almost unanimous denial of physical or moral injury to the participant by mon who are not only in daily contact with the part- icipants, but who have boon participants thomselvcs. 5 cBasketball in Indiane is playcd as the High School Athletic Association intonds that it ahall be played; it is not harmful to the boy oithor physically, mentally, or morally; there is no tangible ovidenee that it is any moro harmful than other athletic activiticss attecks are foundcd upon lack of knowlcage and oxpericncto as an athleto or with athletcs; there are long term cvidences as well as current cvidenees of boncfits physically, montally, and morally from paskctball, and if properly coached and supervised, the benefits will be oven more markcd. Bagketball th Indicna is a gane and sound activity, rogardlcss of criticism. A few of the comments mado by principals and coaches will add m.aning to the above statomonts: "problem students have often beon reached by athletics." "Just place our high school boys along side nonehigh school boys or non-athletic boys and note the difference." i