"III. Do you think that signs reminding the fans not to boo aid the situation? : Total Answering ico Yes 73 No oe 1. If done properly ¢ Lb sVory 24¢tic 2 ? : 2.Not much S, If a word about sport- : Home coach responsible/ smanship or hospitality : is added : 4, If done tactfully. Dd. Somewhat G, df avononted by talka %o the student body. 7. IG might neip. "IV. Do you think the names of the officials should be announced to the crowd or in the press prior to the game? Total Answering 124 Yes 4 ae No So”? - Doesn't make much differ- ; 1. O.K. “on the programs. ence, ; 2. OnLy kn the. press To the crowd, but not the o. Only on the prograns. press. No uarm either way. Hung up on scoreboard with Linc-up. At game time only If ne is good enouzh to georve as referee Tor. the game, why not let the fans know it? CA OW en Si "V. Arc you in favor of three officials working a game? Total Answering 143 tos 61s No 125 1. In certain games 1. Why? 2. Has merit. 2. Tried it several years ago. "VI, Are you in favor of having only one official? Total Answering L235 Yes x No aiak 1. Some games can be handled 1. Two are nocessaary. better by one official than by two.