od am 7«Will eliminate the player's effort to draw two shots by being foulede 8. The four foul disqualifying rule will still discourage too much foulings 9 Will require all players to shoot upward for basket as originally in= tended by Dr- Naismith. 10. Present congestion of tall men under basket works a hardship on short men and makes the game roughe ll, Loss handicap to a short man in shooting extra distance than by junp= ing extra distancee 12. Will discourage using a tall man who is not as active as a shorter mane 132 No other sport puts such an outlandish premium on height as docs basketball « 14. A player accommodates muscles of eyes and hands to height the same as to distancee 15. The only roason the height of the present basket is 10 feet is because of the gymnasium running track at Springfield College. 16, A 1l28foot basket is a blow to the zone defense account spreading defonse 17. A convex board with 12-foot basket is another impediment to the zone defense e . 18, The specdicr players could recover the ball before it goes out of bounds in the 4«foot zone, thereby reducing the number of out of bounds plays ina gamee 19e Is a decided aid to officials « awarding 2 shots on foulse 20~¢ Will do away with single and double post playse 2le Will do away with 3-second rule in the lance 226 Will do away with rule regarding interference of ball on or above rime 23¢ Will increase spectator enjoyment by high arch shots that hit. 24. Will increaso visibility for spectators by raising basket 2 fect. 25~- Will decrease number of accidents under goals, driving in, not so much hipping, nudginge 266 Will actually give more rebound playing space per player. 27 Fourefoot zone behind basket another fa ctor against zone defonsce 28» Will make unnecessary a11 legislation around basket, such as leyard rule, ctce 296 Twelve=foot basket is coming, as sure as death and taxese 30. jn eleven=foot basket would still be within reach of 69" or 6'10" players. 3le Twelveefoot basket would forever guarantce noneinterference. 52-6 In Olympic participation 12=foot basket would equalize height of two teams (desire of Olympic Committce); limited class 62" of under, unlimited class, any hoighte