Memorandum: Correction - The information listed hereon was received too late to be included in their respective districts - Thus the loose leaf is added. "In Bulletin 1 on the National Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament you were sent a List of N.C.A.4. eenools in your District. Please make the following adcaiticns to the 11st. DISTRICT No. 1. American International College Springfieid, Mass. Holy Grogs College, Worcester, Mass. poa: &. G.. Eigen Chatrman, N.C.A.A. Basketball Tournament Committec. Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Distr 0. No. 2; Muhlenburg College Allentown, Penna. St. Jonnie University, Brookivn, HN. <. State Teachers College, Shippensburg, Penna. DISTRICT Np. 3 Presbytcrian College, > MLSRTOR, GB. G. Washington College, Chestertown, Md. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. DISTRICT No, 4. Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. Kent State College, Kent, O. DISTRICT Nos 5. Yankton College, Yankton, 5. Dakota Northwest Missouri State Tr. College, Maryville, Mo. DISTRICT No; 6: No correction. DISTRICT No. 7. University of Wyoming, Laranie, Wyo. DiGSTit ? fo, &, ona Siar s inceninnaee University of Santa Clara, Sania Clara, Ualif. Gonzaga University, Snokane, Wash. California Institute of Tech. | Posacena, Calif. Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. Pomona College, Claremont, Calif. La Verne College, LaVerne, Calif. Santa Diego State Tr. College, Santa Diero, Calif. University of Redlands, Redlands, Calif. Whittier Collece, Whittier, Calits eo Santa Barbara State Tr. College Santa Barbara, Calif. George Pepperdine Collese, Los Angeles, Calif.