By. cua Ba o The. bred ‘Lines in ‘Mow a curing the Vinter of 1930-22 wore ‘Toager than Favet elephant’ s memory. The dull, glazed rain of defoot shored in mén's eyes, and the desperate hunger shx "eR. in. their rveistlinos. There were no jobs, and there “as fio *b¥odd* | And then, because of a young snorts vriter's idea--but wait, we're Zet= ting ahead of our story. Danner Jirmy Walker was then the hoe of New York town, and he called on his fricnds, the nears writers, to help relieve the misery that: drenched the Gityiotiot% rc Nec. Irish:was a youn? ‘snorts: writer on ak “Mew York Telegram, ioalcing: forty dollars a week. During the Winter; he covered be sketball, and saw it mloyod in gymnesiums bailt for the seme, but not-for the soectators. Fach serson, the sweaty ams would te crowded to “capacity, then crowds woud de turned aray because “ae Lack of ‘sen ting snece. A promotor at heart, it hurt Irish to watch noonle with moiicy “in their hands turnéd ayay. wed knew that none of the colle: ees would willingly permit their basket- ball teams to corie. ints Madison. Square Garcen. to: nlay; becouse there is that aure.of professionolisn- apovt the lace, But: ‘in the naue of sweet charity, Irish sbacec. a baskettall trinle-hender at the Garden on January 19, 1921, with all New York teonis cotmeting. Tho Garden hed 18,210 seats for sale that night, and when = el) tickets “ere sold,‘Irisn knew he had his teeth into something...” wes colton f.. That nicht,. basket tball: Srechierved to the biz leemie of sroris. It took two more years to vring the collesrs eromd. to ne poms 6 regul. arly in "he House Thai Tex Rickard Built, sut finally Iri sh arranced a icuble~ head.r featuring Vestni aster: (Pa, ) Gslte: cvs. St. Joins, ona Jew cn University vs. Notre Dane. Notre Dane is'a aiAgdie mame in sports, and 17; 000 fans’ aaad their way into Madison Sauare Garden that nizht. When voe Sonhonore marched throuch thé turistiles with his eeome’ a more nationa poe y becouse the Western . edachios.. todk back: hase’ with then some idens ‘thoy icked’ wm by playing against. “us, and. thoy; in turn, left ‘sone things here *for-us, . a Baskettiall hes cone a long rey since its invention in 1 Springfield, “Moss. ’ ‘by Dr. Noisuith in 1991; It has “corie-an especially long way in a very few years if you remember that the first intercolle; “{ete Leame was. not. nerman- ontly.sot um wmtil 1911, Its »rozress ras re terded. to some degree ‘because of the citizens of one sient b=eonty- -third Strect, in New-York. Those citizens were young men who played under the team nane of " The Celtics". They were thé Best} so“it is only natural that whatever little tricks and bits of strategy they develoned were adopte? by other basketball nlay- ers. The Celtics rere, of course, orofessionals, but amateur basketball oretty well aned ever ything the oros did, thus making it natural that the somé 6vils should soring uw sitaltane casly in both tranches of the* gene, . The crowds - soon tired of the’ st: eLling ~ arid: rough ‘nLay. The. anatecurs “chan; ged; / thé oros didn't! -That's one reason why today you have in cesketball- ‘the one, the only; college snort not in any’ way rin rolled’ oy the ‘ondfosstonahs: ae Tho colleges did away with uch of the roughiicss by having the reférce call a lot of fouls. That became alist as bad on evil, for Ancrican sports fans hate a waistie. ~