6 se Tt ag! mp: honest conviction that we nlay better basketball in the East, . Before: those of you west’ of the Big Muddy start’ slinging those rocks at my window, “let me insert a word of oxnionation. It is iy opinion’ that if’ the Western boys were taught the. i Bins vue of nlay, they: vould ne. swell nigh unbeatable. _ aa le gag outstanding contribution * lostern: basketball ployers to’ ghoir “sleeker, if ‘slower, brethren in ‘the - Stiaed is the one hand: shot. When used by a tall nlaver. (and when a Western cooch ‘gets’s olayer under 6 igi -he. farns him out. to the’ chess: team)’, ‘this shot is avsoltutely unstormak le. The great- .. 8st ‘exponent. df the shot (nerely because he yracticctk: throwing - it thousands hen? thousands of tines) Was” that dark visaged SCOURZE * fron ‘Stanford, Hank i Erase thie! . Fefore the invasion ‘of the Palo Ante Indice, I taught my boys never ..toa shoot for the: “vrisket- with one haad unless they were directly ‘under. the “hoon... The nenalty” for. ‘heaving the ‘ball wildly was being withdrawn frou the game and ‘relegated: to the bench, Along: Cale. iuisett and boom. went ee Long Island winning streak. a ; 0 I told my bovs after the. gone thet Thiaotts had- just aad a Motil nizht, but that the - way wo’ wore “Lyinz thé gna waa the right way. 2 foe might have kent thei convinced,’ excent that Stanford came back the next. year, and once aged’ ‘an Let. U. winning “streak ras’ just-a memory. After that second evening of proof: there was no'sensé in trying ito ae Sain: away the one hand shot). So we nicked it mw and used it. In return, We have seén'a fow. ‘of the Western teams: bake our ek | show method of offense and ack it in. their: bags: ‘atong ¥ with their: sweat shirts, sneakers, aud knoe susrds. : & Basetall ciains the conyricht on the se Was ati cial nostine", but _baskatball is. the soort that Gesorves the hs What other pastas can ay WOESS* (a) that it is ‘the only ‘snort which’ Amo rica, originated, and- vb) that it has 20 000; 000 mLayers sand &0, 900 , 000: neid ‘admissions onnually#r ak RRR kk °* RR Rk tek ok oe CS. m HE Or. Ba =D Mey: Boone? does ay got ech: ‘out of scknot ‘Ho thinks Aquinas is some kind of ‘drink ie really. Gon 't Lelieverthe noor:de whos -* Can use his’ broin tachiz very) to- think; 4 tole Hin ¢ about’ Soeratés one day ‘And in ‘the widele ‘of my soech he said? NT never heard ‘of him Where does he nay? _ Sore: girls were listening, ¢ end was ‘de “red. ioc think his aia is one bic tahini », With: nothing: much but. air on the inside. " Tt¢*decsn! t seem to tegister! at.all. ¢ ee fact + 1e doés his thinking with his hide; oHis varonts ‘think that he's a clever kid © - But they have never nrobed cen veath his lid. : | £ pre SeBs 45) eo ee ee ek a2. ‘ decoy Maulana |