January 20,1939 Dear Shootin’ 'Em --Something must »e done about Indiana basketball, It is too fast--imch too fast.. I long for the good old s when a fellow could take a good. ilagaz ine and a sack of apnles “(or a jus) to a basketball gene and really enjoy hin sclf, But now, alas, the noor spectator is left in a commlete state of ex- ~ haustion after a hard encounter; and he is lucky to be able to stagger home, The nortality rate among basketball fans must be terrific. Any day now I exnect Trester to nlant doctors outside all gates, refusing admission to all _ those fortunates possessing weak hearts, fatten ares or other sundry ail- ae ae The time was when many exceedingly & oatiful f#iondehi> ss were formed at these snectacles of snort. Only the other day I was at a game and I turned to gaze at a dizmled doll sitting just three rows and four seats northeast of.me, And what hapnened? I missed three buckets | and a free throw! What chence does a fellow havo? , _ As long as ye hardwood gladiators okt eS drive nell mell >ack and forth like shuttled relay mapethan’ dastmen' we will never get our sixtcen team finals back. The high tension and steam generated. from fifteen Gaines ot aan one ayr in such a short time would blow the whole state off the map! Yours for a band me the fieldhouse, ; SOSERT MORAT oes 6060066460600 688% From a mass of statistical information o1 individual scoring in Wes‘- ern Conference basketball submitted to Shootin’ ‘Bn by Hugh gardne: we hove culled this list of ae re have notched 150 or more noints in a season of . ; Big Ten commetition. follows? - fey 20 3. Carney, Illinois = ~=—s 1920 6O—iS—s«éd2'GQ ~ Young, Purdue 1928 69 .46 184 seoroey, a1 apoia- OS 1982 54°48 PF A Young, Purdue ~ : 1937 67° < -38 172 Minis “lO Sth pica ee | 6lUC(itiC SC Reiff, sorthwestern | 1939 = ES a. i Andres, Indiana © ; oe. CU Gai(i‘i‘ia Ctr . Kegsle r, Purdue na 1936 61 #38 160 Dirkhoff,..Shicazo~.~ <'" © ga"? 34 92 + 160 White, Purdue ° | _ ee = BS Ce Haarlow, Chicazo ose + 5h BA 156 Wooden, Purdue eis ee ooo 48 154 Haerlow, Chicago is & @©& ie Dehner, Illinois i? & 4 im Kessler, Purdue 1935 53 44 160 . You seo. so. many free throws we the names of Carney, Birkhoff and ‘White because in their day one man shot most of his team's free throws, it not being necessary for the fouled fellow to shoot his own, Andres, White and Wooden, incidentally, are the ovly guards on tho list. * kK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK HK OK OK K OK