t Echoos Frou re eae Basketball Sounding Board in California Survesting That the Life of a Famous Basketball Coach! ¢ Son Isn't Laden - With Justiac. ; Rendon Shots By Kensas Star" 'S sponte Editor | Kensas vasketvall ,has located a ‘soinaine noard as for oway as Bente Monica, Calif., and here is an echo-- "I've been reading: articles on Big Six basketball and am just a little burned up," writes "A Lifetine Jayhewker" from Santa Monica. "I'm a Jay- hawker gone California," — he: odds . " but 1 know ‘the: besketball situation at Kensas protty well, All the stuff I have been réading: hes been about Rolph — Miller, John Lobsigzer, Jinn McNatt, Jack Horacele and an occasional word — about Bob Allen—-that's what burns me up. I was fortimate enough to see the Kansas-Kansas State and the Xensas-Oklahoma games and saw Bob Allen do. every= thing but cat the baskets. He was the sparimlug behind a pretty good ball club, and if. I lmow enything about it he is going to te the ae eee between a pretty good team and a great one before the season ends, ~ ' I wouldn't went enyone to think that I do: not admire: ‘the loshar pleyers named, esnecially McNatt and Miller, Sut just take young Allen out of the Kansas line=up and see what happens. I'm afraid this is going to be an exact duplication of the.1936 seeson when Milt Allen was the insniration and nine- tenths of the backbone of a ereat bell clap and the only Kansos man ignored when the All-Star teams were chosen. That's the sacrifice a kid makes for be- ing the son of. the. best ° vaskotoall coach in the country . "That's ensugh of that, the correstondent conclutes, "put I'd like to say . that Missouri, Oklahonia and Kansas can teke U.S.C., California and U.v.L.A. into cai, and l gay 4h, after having seen tho se teams uncer Tire, xk ok OR OK OK OK OR OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK wR Ok Ok Ok 'BOOING!' HURGS. HOME Toul, 00! HB i SAYS Solteviiie. Ind,, Jenuary 17 (Spl.) That good 01d Hoosier hardwood, custom of "cooing" serves x sainly to hurt the chences of the home team Take it from J, Wendell (Ike) Ballerd, Shelbyville Hieh School nonah and president of the Indiona Hizh School Coaches As socia ‘tion, who issued a state= ment to that effect as an oftoraath of Sheli byville' $s annual setto with the Greensburs Pirates, long an aubpteniine Norudee * battle" in southern Indiana net circles. Shouting unconmlimentary remarks at officials and booing in gen- eral has these three effects, Ballard. said? - 1, 1t makes the home tean feel it is setting a "rew deal" “and often results in disintest ration of the team's drab. 2, 1t "neps a the onnosing SEeSSIAE tea mombers and makes them feel thet are going to Net the breaks," 3, It makes officials "lean over baciavard" in malcing decisions during the reli ainder of the game, $9 they may be sure they do. not favor the " booing crowd eR KR RK KK owe ok Kk Ok KOR OK Ok ‘SOLD ours BEPORE FSBRU JARY Bloomineton, ngs o , sip ied 26) (AP) =the Bald del nls aie, Big Ten basketball gome here February 10 is a, Bcliout. I. U. athletic officials said last night the 6,500 seats in the ficldhouse : ail haa een sold, The schools will nlay: another case March 2 at Lafayette. RH