Od MILTON COLLEGE Milton, Wisconsin Geo, H, Crandall Athletic Hinectbr I on proposing a basketball rule: change which I believe vould serve as & check on tho. nresent race-horse style of game end also restore some of the desirable cloments of the criss-cross and screen without tho defensive dis- advantage against the sient nivot man, : This proposal is made on ‘the assumption that. the fast-break system is on) outerowth of the nresent 3-second mile rather than from climination of the center jump; also shat the fast-break my ets (1) is too mach of a strain on the nlayers; (2) leads to wore fouls by path tears, particularly those allowing two free throws on basket attermts; (3) makes the gone more difficult to of- ficiate satisfactorily; (4 often decreases sre ectators! interest through too much scoring; (5) disco uraces ‘valuable ‘training in technical skills foot~ work end ball-handling found in the more deliberate +; ype of gene; (3 maces the geme more éifficult to coach with ony certainty of method. the: proposed rule assumes, that return of the center jump would not solve the “problem and that handling of the ball oy an official after successful goal vould de pre- forable’ to abroszation of the rule eliminating the canter: FWD The rule which I an sugresting is as follows? Omit all of Sec, 12 Rule 14 and soeklbete: in its lace! E Sec. 12 = score - & gool after romaining in his»orm free throw area continuously more than 3-seconds. ee Penalty - gool if made not to céuhty the ball to te awarded to the omornents cut of bounds at the ond of the court wooere the foal'was illerally made. be ens By I believe such a rule would disprove the pase for these x ie (1) It would make it possible for thé tcam on offense to center its attack around the arca in front of the basket.and thus restore better finesse in ball hondling, footwork:ond short shots... . (2) It shovld disco ourage the zone’ de ense, which now has the edvantage with a forbidden center. aren taat needs:.less: erat anidey thus: forc- ing the ylay towards the side lines.: © aoe (3) Rolian ce unon the fast-break ‘style of offense vw ould Lo discouracc od through a decrcase in-use of the zone defense, which itself.is fun- dnsentally a’sct formotigy for ofa ast »sreak, ond thus, clininate largely the urge wien the offcnsive teas 2 80 veab wy 18 siiariind pacl, to..the other end of the floor. . : (4) It would foster botter ball hea mdling - ond a be tens oe caine fad ridis ore through the elinination of thé need of hurried passing from the frec throw area. (5) The defense would not be placed at any. particular -disadvantaze jnasmmuch as the ball handler insthe frec-throw ation raya NO% shoot and thus could be left alone tamorarily as defousive players. snifted _. to defend against screén or criss-cross. (6) Heicht would not be essential-