EDITORS KOTES, Continued. The Mexico ¥,M,C.4, basketball tea touring eastern United States are very small but are pretty good ball handlers and cen shoot very well, On the court they:are gentlemen and they request a time-out by the hand and finger maing.a letter "I", We.nsked the conch and captain about the officiating and teams in different states and their answers wes? State! teuntcon Oftigiaging .. ¥ Texas’ * - . = Loo rough; excent one game. Illinois , * = *. 8 Very good Ohio | - Too rough - football | New York Too rough Pennsylvania a oo F: Good _, Oklahona eS re Rough; excepting one place Rhode Island | - Excellent. | They have worn. about helf their: ganes, which is a fair record considering their long rides in autorobiles and their suall statue. . eae ees . Georze keognn Notre Dane basketball conch says the football rules makers take every possible stcp to cliuinate the elexont of chance, but the basketball solons seem to be on the ratch to advance miles that wiil neTmit the medicore teem to defeat better quintets. kok ROR KR RK OM Elner Lame, coach of Georsia says the teas in the Southeestern Conference are immrovine. He is impressed by the ma.ber of good centers and he seys of the idea to eliminate the vackvoards "Its few advantazes offset the disadvantazes." eK KKK KOK OF Ben Chapnan - Sig league ball nlayer is the tost basketbal. official in the south according to most experts, Ben pulled a peculiar ruling in the Georgia Tech - Auburn gane when he ejected Roy Mundorff's big center for. too much squocking at.decessions and nounded the wall on -his last one, 7 , wh SED 7 ke RR Fifteen mecbers of the Indima vasketball tea: were captains of - their. high school teais, . ! . : Ga rast ROK RR OR OR Laddie Gale - £11 Amcrican forward last year on the. University of Oregon's national collegiate chamionshin basketball team, accented $1,100 to play six weeks of pro basketball with the Detroit Eagles. = * kK KOK _. Oklahoma Agvies has won 19 straight. * KK K K KH K It looks: now as though New York University will go through its resular season without a defeat. = * kK ROR KR ROK a .. .Cantain 3111 Honae of M1linois poured 34 noints throuen the hoon in the Minnesota gane the other night to set an abl--tine scoring record for the Big Ton, 200 fons from Hopac's howe tomm of Cicero alost tore the bleachers apart for- souvenirs of the - aie. + eitis fis | ke KOR ROK OR OKO MEE, in tac Indianonolis naner says Indiana teat Purdue because of the formers rork on "rebounds" and "following through" ignortent defensive and offensive basketzall messurers,