Me We He Browne, Secrotary-Treasurer, NeA.5.Ce, Umiversity of Nebrasia, . Dear Browles I appreciate very much your kind remarks of you that anything I did ws enthusiastically done for the officers and for the game of basketball. I am very happy to be able to cooperate with the Rules and the Tournament Olympic Camittees. You have my acceptance of these assignments. It will be a pleasure for me to do whet little I can for the greater success of the ganes i can doe to help you as secretary~treasurer will be an added pleasures I do not lmow that there is anything that I could say or do that would help you, but we will plen a get-together sonetime this spring. I have several conmmencanent addresses in northern Kansas, and if these can be worked out so timt I can rum on to Lincoln for a little gol? and visit and get