- NEWS - NEWS - NEWS - NEWS - Most every section of this country will be represented on this years basketball gamcs slated for Madison Square Garden, Ned Irish, vho has done so much for the advancement of basketball, has booked fiftcen double headers. The average attendance figure of over 14000 baskotball fans is sure to be eclipsed. Every team playing on that fine floor is a champion, Colleges playing tnore this year are: Oklahona Aggies Santa Clara Long: Island University Syracuse University University of Oregon Butler University Manhattan University New Mexico Agzics University 6f Texas Temple University University of Southern California Michigan State New York University St. Josophs of Philadelphia University of Missouri St. Francis Fordhan University Duquense University University of Oklahona Fordham University St. John's College Notre Dame University of Colorado Georgetovm Univorsity City College of New York Pittsburg University. Basketball double headers will also be great attractions in Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Chicago and White Plains, Ne: ta Boston is sounding out pro basketball with a tcan of local pizyers end vicinity. It will not be long before major college teas are playing for the benefit of those young coaches. Boston and vicinity about 1905 had more teas than any section of the country. The sport gradually ce- clined because of rough house tactics, frequent fights ond brawls. Boston is one of the few big cities whose hich schools are not allowed to play basketball. In fact can any coach name another. University of Maine has the finest seating arrangeront of any college in New England, end its playing floor is superb. New Hampshire Ugiversity also has a fine floor in its new field house as does Massachusetts State. he colleges from east to west playing in Madison Square Garden will see the playing surface the same as in previous years. The two foot rule will stand, as a majority of tho teams playing there scemed to want the old rule, For those who have never seen the playing surface we yould like to tell thon that the floor is excellent and Ned Irish should feel proud of the floor. Ton Harmon, Michigan's ercat football star is on the hoop squad, They say he is quite a boy on the court also. Sneaking of confidence, how's this for a promise, for a coaching job. "Give, me tho job and brother, T'11 haul you out of the well".