ee aS % 5 hy SID FEDER eer Yor’, Jan, 3.--({A.P. Je-Lev-Andrerns, who hes. kicke? around this besketbell rane eG tuo décedes, firures the tine is conmine. ‘When sena- rate sets of rules vill be.dvamm.for golleces | and hich schools to vet a- WOU fron sone effects of the ‘nodern, "horse-recel" court snort. site; Mis nodern name, 7ith, i, the. center junp. eliminated," the veteran : coach, of. Syrocuse. bas sketbell said. Vednestey, Vis like wotching a table tenis. match, '. The ‘ball is alvays foing. back and. forth, with” no- stop. It's ereat to. watch, but it puts a severe strain on _ the youngsters. . _Fiysicians have told us. that, P wtta. . ; The result, he. added, nay “be that ‘the’ rules wii he chanced for younger. play revs, the high: schoolers, Fe pointed ‘out’ that, at a recent neeting of eduesters an upstate ‘phys ician renorted tests shoved the: hieh- pressure 2 ection in present bastethell | us as inerease? blond’ pressure and strain on the nerformers, cee "So it's altocether Likely," Andreas went on, Nthet the eenter ‘jurvo will be lesislnted dbac's into high school dell to slov un the rane sone mat and relieve this nressureon the younrsters, It ‘isn't so bad big collere oleyers, larcely. hecause the:r! re riore fully ‘develoned, oe ad@ition, there is ricid ohysical exaninetion in most: colleres, - tot only that, but tle nodern eMme, “with it “Speed: and teh ‘scoring, is what ettracts the snectators. “And where the urnetiles are concerned, that means a lot. in.rny snort,' : * Lew has been head nan of Syracuse bedkethatlL ‘sixteen An irs, He is in torn for a PATIO Yednesdny nicht sith Ter ba pale Maiversity's undeafested Violets Lev, who scouted the Violets pers sonal lir sthen they whinnee VW aséart ‘Last reek, is convinced they ‘gre the best set. ‘of basketballers he hes seen in years, althouch they may, Heys, oe hot ae tent: SAS 5 Plea vers Von't Learn, Defense 7 The tourhest part of coaching for ‘Andress cuné@er the no-center- up rales: ‘te to get vlayers ‘to concentrate, on defensive ability. — "In the old ‘dav, “ he lmizh: a8.” "egeches used to firuré that when they could hold the ather fellor com to less then PQ,voints the | had a oretty feir defensive club, Nor yout re lucky if you cen Keep the opnosi- tion under 50, ng Me tots because the - now came has developed ernck ‘shots ‘tho ean ‘toss - that. bell in from Vera out OF: close un,. Oo: 1e-lianded or tro-handed., e; "thy, ve ret freshnen renortins for bas'zetball not who vent: to! “do ‘nothings ‘else but shoot. They have no ‘ide. of defens e end we. Have ‘9 tough tine. tenching then that, no matter how many ‘points ‘they pile up ‘they’ aren't going» to win ball anes unless” they can: ston ‘the other petro once in a wo} ile, Aaa kee ae me * VESTA COLLEGE ‘HOOPLE it kate 3 HEAD | FOR DooKs 5 Frest Hes ev or,. Dee. Saat hel P.)-=The Queen ‘Mary, ‘end “the Tournandte, ‘edants of the sea, lying side by side in Her. Yor‘ harbor, are first on” the ‘List of “Things to see" when. vegtern. collese basketball nlavers cone to torn. so ttag the renort iade to the ‘metronolit pan “chanter ‘of “‘pastetball's fatual Adniration society" at ite first mejor neeting toeay. Rather than ugha to see ‘such frmous: ‘snorts: “centers as the Vanier gtedinn, the Polo grounds, Forest hills, .Tineed Foot.Golf course, or Ebbets Field, the enrer- eyed athletes all head for the docks first, then visit Padio Sitvy, end wind uv .at the current Rroatvey. shows, For while the coaches are leerning nev basketball tricks--by, testine their: net theories in garden “competition, the Yeids are just tourists at hesrt. °°