gi, YAUKEER PITCHER OVERGALS LMG INJURY WHEN IN COLLEGE a 24 MOT Yor’: dan, "2. 2~ (AP )@ST£. basketbell hesn't Gone anythine.else, it made o. ereat. athreta’ ‘out of Oral Hildebrand, . The. Nev York Yonkee pitcher, who yon 19 and lost four for the orld chenpions, and whose earned run average ves 3,05 this const season, WAS a. criople "when he. renorted for bas'cetball, at Butler. university, his conch, Tony FARIENS » told. the letro- -nolitan Basketball Writers" association bate. 0 "Hildebrand had a brace on’ his lee because .of 9. aya ey bnd endle and he vesn't mich good es a freshman athlete, (So when he come to ne is sophomore year and. asked to have the brace fixed--it would have cost ARE am I tried to Giscourase him from -cormeting in pahiahics, i told him to go out and practice starts. end stons by himself, _. WT was just trying to ret rid ‘of the kid, ' fe = eed SO nav. that his lee ¢rew strons, ond he: ‘turned out to be one of the best basketball olayers ve ever hed” at Butler, Wtinkle recelled; Hildebrand, who "As with St. Louis. and Cleveland in the American Lesasue before, foining the Yanks, ‘still holes. the Butler inatvidnal; one-% ee. scorir.™ record, 16 oe soals ” The coach, .whnose teen domed a 46- to-44 ‘thriller, to ae Island univers ity in the Garden last nist, believes Indiana is. the netion's basketball incubator because of ter numerous: small. commuities.,. "os t of our torns--ond their schools--are so small. that. the lorical snort, beceuse of the lack of bie squads, is basethall, For exemple, there are more than 890 schools thet: play basietiald “es the: sapne-TERe enly 100 that olay football,” he said. — as Tinkle Bae ied. that the state ‘chariptonship- Pat thise sear. ws 49 he vicyed on the Saturday of holy veel, but that the mintateriat alitance in the state asked the care fathers to- ‘chance the, Rapes, emase it micht interfere with ae services, aie ee r * * * Our LAdison Scuare Garéen- eaeuat tolls us oh eek Salifornia played arrressive, heads=nn backetbal], The men were unu: mally: elever - ball-handlers,. they inverinbly racoversd. the bell off. the bacizbosrd, cand, they had arinle speed when it wes needed. They hed + ereat chance of pace for » fast brea, Most of ‘the shots. were le esnecially othe more Gistent ones, Vaurhn, the rieht forvard; , SCARES nine foals, all from vell. out. The. ion of ‘Troy Left Bill Ming, 4, :. Us &. clever Nesro centre who is vised in the buckét vlay, strictif alone when. he wasn't in the bucket, Both teones passed short and accurstely. The: Trojans ased 2, nan-to-nan defence, Lone Island a zone defence until moments when it tonic uw a man-to-men set-un. ~ Southern California. scoreé on 12 of 36 field roal shots in the first half end 10 of 33 in-the sacone for n.totel of 22 of 69, Lone Island gathered 19 of 75, with a record of NP if %O in the first half and eisht of 36 in the second, Southern California: eee B08: 49 fouls and Lone Toten’ rathered iL of 16. asia : Oe +. * * * * Nat Holman, former termnete of onmonent Georre Haggerty, sav, hin holding ball with score tied in last fer seconds. "Here, Georse!" vellea Nat, Hagerty passed, Holuan sank it, beat Hagcerty's team, the "Palace Bir Five." * * * HR