Ned Irish - Continued _ : If I had to pick the, best from these eight, it vould certainly te an almost ympossible task. The consensus of opinion auong the writers and critics here seemed to be that San Barry's Southern California yeaa was tops, My personal opynion would be that the Oklahoma Agcies, Colorado and Santa Clara would certainly be of equal ability, - ? ts Toxas by its fine showing raised the stock of southwestern vasketvall in the East. The Longhorns wider Jack Gray'were the first team from that section and conference to stave off the jitters here and registered an in- pressive win aver Manhattan, | Pat Stig ME Bars Hog ee +: G tu Oregon made a much better showing here“ this scason than a year ago | even though its 1939 five did win the Pacific Coast Conference title, OlcLahoma ond. Missouri were solid teas end upheld the prestige of the Big Six, Missouri. was visibly hendicaoned by the absence of its tro big men, Currence and Cooper, who were with tho football tean, George Etwards missed those big mon in the N.Y,U, gome for Missouri got.vory few revomds.' 3 New York University apnarently is the best of the metronoliten district teas although Long Island University, St. John's and St, Frencis are above average strength and imy cone along to take rank with N,Y,U, as the newcomers scttle down, “ sets . Some great, individual nlaycrs have. performed brilliantly, Ralph Vaughn of Southern C.tifornia; W, D, Enunt and Bobby Moerrs of Toxas, Tgaay Giannini of Senta Ciara, Jack Harvey and Leason McCloud of Colorado; Jorry Steiner of Butlor; Harvey’Slade of Oklahoma An-ies; Jim Moligtt of O;lshoma U,, and dohn Dick of Oregon were standouts auong the visiting players. The resnonse to these seues from the basketball fons of Mew York has been astonishing. The first five games of the sesson, one-third of the regular schecule, shows the greatest average turnout in the six ycars ‘the New York schools have used the Garden as their home court. The all-time record was troken when 18,245 attended the L IU, - Ssuthern California ond Texas - Manhattan double- header, More than 18,000 saw Oreson lose on overtime decision to L.1.U. an the opener. The average for the first five nights has been over 15,000, better than 10 percent increase over last year, which hed been the best in our court history here Se ere 1p RCE EGS ‘ OK OR RK OK OR _ Minnesota beat that favorite team of the Big Ton - by tho score of 46 - 44, Tho winning score was made on a long shot from near mid-floor just as the final whistle blew, Dave MacMlillan's toam led in ‘the first half 29 - 16, making Dave say "ane of the finest halves of basketball a teem has ever played for ne," In the first eignt and one half iinutes of the second half Indiana scored 31 points Minnesota's gne. We. can hear coaches say that either one of these fine teams should have coasted, through with their big leads, but, kids are kids, and when they blow big leads on us, wo just have to take it. That is what makes the game so ponular, nov, as anyone con vin, for with tro minutes to go Indiana was leading by four points and still lost. What a thriller this game must have been, So why change it. Our idea is to let it alone.