Moaison Square Garden the night U.S “mach afraid: the f & ‘eta Abie Negi. Ang - -of bounds,’ Avove:. all George . getests. the .zone. defense, oni BY DICK FRIENDLICH - George Barsi gnach of Santa. se s Broncos, was. in the stands at . whipped. Long Island U, and he is very rojans are- stronger, than they were last. year. ‘That is, he is afraid in an ,acadenic,sense, since the. Broncs and. Trojans. don't meet, unless -itebe in the N,C-A,A play-offs, which. OTe . quite..a piece in the future: Southern California! g-auards ,.renorts George, ; ‘are shooting much oftener - (than of yore.and-driving into.the: “basket oftener, too. The failure of. Coach Sat Barry to have his. saards. shoot. in-recent. years. cost. ‘Troy mere than one “gone; It vas:possikle Agnore. -the. Tyo jam, guares : on offetise ond’ play -- five mea on defense against. three in the Gane C.front line,of attack, We, saw -. -Califoraia do‘exactly that: one.night in. 1938 and. hold: Troy. to something like . igixsfield- soals.: Barry: loosened «=.» Dartmouth was an excention to ‘this ‘style4” Soke Py ors, Columb ia. ait Baltinoré observed it almost religiously, Deen renorted, Nebraska and Wis- "er gL? “congin y: theo ther. -two-Indian: foes» both play..the -f, ast, brealz fume, Tach, Go- ninates the Midwest. Eastern interpretation of-fouls,.csnecially..on screcn: ‘plays + “aiffors 2 cotisiderably. fron. the Pacific Coast version » out. you. can “nearly kill the. -. ball-handler. svithout : ‘Doing called. if..vou don! t hit fron _ the: rear, Tt! Soe very. nuzglings wae waite ‘The. Indians. cane. chowe-t vith ‘their. Lineup. set save “for ‘the eonter job, aril ~Diele Taylor,-6. foot6 inch junior ,. aid some rowarke Le. rebound: ‘work on the '. «tour, Dean said,. and - is.casily. the best ‘defensive man lof. thé, condidates. However, Lob Ponn, a 6-foot 5-inch. sophol MOTO 4.18 the Bost. gengerous’ scoring threat, inci ll will pee got the Japsingi detin%. ageinst | Gy c, 4, Ae a + sy LIE. . ot. a 140 to, recognize. ‘hela high Schbot" tasket ball. ns DORs Ralph Lincoln. Vaughn, of Frankfor t-and SPeEE A cel Ome Precis Life! Ss current cover ae vole page , ie: ede ‘ ey it. F, FE, Figen a “is won aa af. Mr: Gcoree ih pan 1 hos not Puy the nesketball vce foenples: to. get hin. ‘dom... “Notre Dawe is. seldon 9 hard vréssed” as. at ‘the moment nan aebosbeb 4 ; B00. and: Notre. Dame is seldom. in. such a h haskett atl pli ant, Mr. Keo zon does not care for the ten-second rule, ‘the Line ‘across, the floor, the ~ * » @limination.of-the center jump, .the three-second rule of the. rule- which’ nermits onthe offended team to. decline a-Eree . ti nro. and . take. possession, of. ‘the ball out