20 santas The. position. of the dafénaive player decides it largely.” ‘Ifthe is behind the offensive player, and in such A ‘position thet he’ eannot play the ball, 2 free throvs should be avarded if he causes contract. If the defensive player is in such a position that he can play the ball ania ‘tries to ‘do so, _ only 1, free.thror.. should. be amarded | if, the field goal ; is made and if — does -. Bly 52.6 53, 5A. net involve roughness, ae When a player is roughly. treated. and. ayarded tro shots, Senos he may not be shooting for a gonl, there may be tvo. shots. aarded., How many fouls are chearged to the offender and what type of fouls Bre so charced? ~~ Ansver:.. 1, foul is..charged. to, the,offender as.in the case of any other, personal foul, Be ae Tean A scores a basket and immediately calls "time-out", ‘Is this alloved by the rules?. Answer: Yes, ink what is the best officiating technique concerning held balls within the foul Lene? . That, is, who. should toss. the . ball up. at the foul line? Should official A toss “‘up- in, Bis. "bucket" or should A toss up in his own foul lane territory? _Ansmert 2 bie K stktd toss A in . Bis. froe throw lene, “but! your opinion as "AS 2008 as mine on this, Tenn player. ek ‘OE. Soups thir ball in and it, bounees’ ‘off tean- B player and goes out of bounds: nen “Whose Tall? ‘In cnse oF A deliberate act vould this »lter the case? Answer: _ Tean 1 Als hei. pie thee deliberate or not. 7 Of course, "¥f A slams the ball at B for the purpose, of injuring hin, or in a burst of anger, A foul could be called on A oe But nerely used ‘as-a-snart play, ine is legal, iam tenn A plnger has nous feot in the back court and when ‘gribbling the ball bounces into the front-court, Has the ball gone in nto the front court or do his feet govern the nosition of the ball? ABSEOES 5 The ball is. in the front, court, . Poul team ri Cot iant foul "tien® on ‘then. as s they. are ‘leavine floor after first half. When is technical foul ‘shot, and if madé or nissed when is ball put in vlav? Pie. Answer: red ‘ae ‘is ee when she’ ‘Cede are ‘Peady for the second ‘half, Genter ball. after, the. free throw, Rules Committee recommend 2 men for every game where it is neeettbe, Do you think one.nan can do as rood a job as. 2 men? Whot_ is the opinion ‘of nost coaches. cand officials on this Hatter? - _ Answer: I think.2 men are better than one.. I cannot speak for coaches and otttelal ee. Se oe me Ye pow eee 58, On a ‘eae ihore Games havé “the. rieia nets’ with o~ steel. frane, _ player attempts foul try and it hits bottom frames and rennins in egube: Is ball in play? ~ wee. Pies oc. or,