NEWS OF CONVENEION_ Page 11. 1. Mr. Hickox stated that according to our constitution, membership for all classes shall be two dollars. Anyone belonging to the organization, excent the honorary members, like the newspaper men and some others, is charged two dollars. In case of attendance at the convention, those neople who, by the constitution, are elegible for active membership, are charged an additional three dollars. That is for convention fee. If you had stayed at home, your pill would have been two dollars for membership. When you come here, rou paid three dollars for the opportunity to talk and vote. 2. Mr. RF, Williams, University of Iowa gave a short report as chairman of the Press committee. He said "Upon my appointment a year ago I contacted the various press associations, the International News Service, Associated Press and tho United Press and they were very glad to coonerate with the Press Committee throughout the year. Immediately following that I wrote a number of letters to coaches throughout the country asking them to submit material to be oublished, and the resnonse was not very good. I received very few articles from the coaches, ut those I did receive I submitted to these different press associations, and Some of these were printed. You fellows have read the newspaoers and know what was nrinted about basketball this year. %, Mr. George Edwards, University of Missouri had printed the new constitut- ion which is included with this bulletin, George always does a swell job and all of us appreciate his efforts for the benefit of basketoall. 4, Mr, Edvards explained that in this new printed constitution , Article 3, dealing with membership, Section 2 reads as follows " Coaches from isntitvtions whict: offer a four year Baecalaureate degree and who are actively cxerged in the profesional basketball coaching, shall be elegible for active memb-: ship’ iz you analyze that you will see that "ec changed only the first part of the senteuce, making it read so that coaches in schools not allied with the Natioral co] legiate may become active members in our association. There is no difference in fces, as explained to you by Mr, Hickox, This recommendat’.on wae passed, Mr, Edwarcs hat the help of Ed Hickox, Nat Holman in offering this substituto. 5, Discussions on the Tournament Committee reporv: a, Mr. Bruce Dake, University of Uklahoma, brovght ux the time missed in college by the players. He suggested that the regional tournament be brought closer to the finals, so as to eliminate a lot of travel for poth teams. b. Mr. Bunn stated the final game vould be held March 30, 1940 with the final game in Chicago or Kansas City. Tho place of the western and eastern tourn- amenvts had not been set. c, Mr, Allen mentioned that in the tournaments if the N.C.A.A. got twenty per ent, the Olympic fund got twenty ver cent, the coaches got five por cent, that would be forty-five per cent; then the fifty-five per cent would be split equally _etween the two winning teams. If in a regional play-off, after those percentages were deducted, the net would be divided, and the same in the play-off in the district. If four teams sere in the district the Nationai Collegiate would get twenty per cent, and each of those cometing teams would receivo twenty percent. d. Mr. Edwards asked why not have four teams in the final to create interest.