os. charity toss, every undergraduate in the joint let loose with en explosive 'hhhhh"' which.nmearly tore the roof off, It sounded:as though 11,000 cobras hed been turned loose, NCTE. = Vaughn miss the free throw, Letter from Carl B, ott nasal 3 of. South Dakota's Athbe tic Dareetor,. ir, Edward a. Hickox, , { Springfield College 3a a Mass, . : Dear Gdadh : I am writing you a nteet leak: jake morning concerning a thing which I have in mind, which. has gained..a lot of publicity and momentum in tais region +o date and I natiecd there Was en article in the last bulletin by -some one else,. and the. thing I have in mind is this and I would like ‘to get a note in. the next bulletin if Sree that I am coming to the National Meeting. prepared to discus thprougaly the proposed -rule.:to eliminate the. fourth foul dtaqual ification in the game as it is to date, In. my. twenty-two yeers of coaching I- have never been able. to figure out why a boy should be put out of the ball: game for:-trying to. do, his best and why all the extra penalty because. of some, unforeseen contact, I am sure thet the free throw is enough penalty es peoicliy with the great balance of power among the teams that a few extra free throws Will win the game; end we already have: a rule in the boc’ tiuat a flagarent foul will disqualify « a phayer’so.f dontt see w. y we have —— ‘this old unfcir tectic in hendling the boys. For every orie reason that.a boy. should be. ejected from th . the game, I taink I have twenty-five. sound.reasaqns why he should stay in the game, instead af having the -referee decide .who. should leave the game, I .still *prefer :to ido tact myself. si don '. t think we have another game on ‘the recor: beck thet : disquelifies..c ‘hay: for attempt- ing to do his best... © : Foe Now I know thie is on old " oagsbaas ‘uid ‘has ‘been dis- cussed and know everyone of: the sneesors. Wayeit.is in tne book and none of them have ever been :sound as far:as 1 am,concerned, They could just as well disqualify.e boy: with tarce :4s-well.as. four be- cause & boy with three of them wno-wants to .win- ‘the game is almost helpless and you have to take him out anyhow. Now I am hoping-in the next meeting to have a good free discussion of this matter and I sigh ae it would be the ioe improvement to the: game fp on both Mba pacsat ors o— piayers angle thet we-have had, 2 At least when. you. come: to. geena kar, aa you know he isn't going cut of the game the first ten minutes and.of,,course, “when you get to be a star to the: magnitude of Lusetti of ‘Stanford é foul is never called.on him anyway, and if. you have;a,boy that goed. you don! t. need to worry ebout: the hook- or. anything else, “But eee ee the good: discussionswe: haye at. the mee ting ahd as I say -I-am- prepared. with.a. five to-.one:; advantage. fer the oftmineti on of this’.o. ost? rule probably in: -the- ools dada . I-would app reciate. if. you: nouad make. ST NGAP: of this in th the ne xt dat ai at Be: i i a4 : lim < em fcarl s Hoy. ge a 2af 4 se 2 ft it BE RS oe Ste