RCC FOR The ROVEPENT It would be ridiculous to say that there isn't room for improvement in basketball. But when the rules committee takes up the matter of correction it should renember that most of the things now being criticized are the result of changes that were designed to correct what previously were considered faults. A case in point is the elimination of the center tipoff after a score, rurpose behind the elimination df the tipoff was to minimize the importance of .a tall.center, Maybe ‘the change did that, but it stili didn't eliminate the LAP OE HAASE of aeight in the team as a whole, ; Beyond that, the cha nge -prouc cht up ‘the réasons for the present epbti ding has ving the ball ta the team which was scored on, cut of bounds; Do. thescritics want to’ a° back-t6.the .center tipoff, or do a. aces an mind:a, better -way of putting the ball back in pray: afte apSeQre? ek. bee es on | ANOTHER ¢ ‘CHANGE FAILE :D OF: PURP Another chenge that. aeasa akan ds AS , SROADPE PS PERS PPP ently has ‘failedoin/ itsopurpose ofp) chaos. ieee A Ge Boas Theat is the one that provides for ‘moving the ball out cr the back court within 10 seconds, The purpose was to, eliminate svalling, In a way it may have done that, but it resulted in an objéction -@ven greeter. than the old- time stalling. 4 Whereas. it is still possible to stall the fron cou;t, the game is now limited to helf the floor roe “of agile cot as once was the’ case, Defensive: players no longer: go: beyons mid-court to obtain possession of the ball, but.wait; for. the, oppos sien to advance past mid-court, It is much like defensive hockey “at its worst, with the defense scurrying back to. def ense of its” own goal as soon as it. doses possession of the. ball, . 4 These various matters. are not pointed out as direct criticisms, but merely to illustrate the difficulties into which the rules committee can get itself if it listens and responds, to all critics without giving due. consideration to the new. diff iculties which chenges — bring UD. . i) BAK ms TBALL - NO. PENAL IES: Li wees Sports writer- L.innes epolis, By Dick Cullum, Vr. Cari B “have” Hoy, -s Univers ity of south Dakota . ad Biuew ttadbadead Vermillion, Std k 3 : hae 7 Dear Rube: ‘There: s oi . publicity yom here fron your “school which quotes you as apposing. the .old four- fouls-and- out rule in basket- ball, ebSi 63 ; | You say that, in, all other $0 ants, ployers nay commit any nunber ‘of fouls cand mene Ly; rhakke .the penalties unless, of course, they are disqualifying: fouls You say the same principle should govern din pasketbell. Continued,