«— > But the trouble with your argument is thet there is no penalty for a foul in basketball so.if you permitted an unlimited number of fouls players could comuit them with impunity. The only deterrent to foul play-in basketball is the knowledge that each foul hastens the time when a player will have four and will be out of the game. pigad REEL : | Do I hear you say, “What about the free throws? Every time a man commits a foul the other team is allowed one or two free throws, Aren't those penalties?" He wo Lt No, they ere not, oS eee 4 mS i 8s | Every time the fouled team completes a free throw for one point: the team that committed the foul is. given possession of the bell and a chance to make two points. . Stam oc : 4a foe Lae, ey eee any statistics on basketball which show that penalties work a-hardship on the offending team, More likely statistics would show that a team has a slight profit every time it commits a foul, egemlarnngs We ma X a POs BASKETBALL AZBOUNDS . Decision still Reserved as Court Studies Case of Illegal Block Vs. Legal Screen, ees oe ‘By Everett B. Morris. - That hardy old. perenniel, the difference between a block (illegal) and ea screen (legal) blossomed again “yesterday when metropolitan coaches and writers. gathered at lunch to hear Tom Haggerty, coach,talk about DeFaul's basketball team, Like the war, this cute little enigma can be expected to start a rousing argument whenever the conversation gives the slightest indication of lagging. The entire question was catapulted into discussion when our Everett B, Morris, who was feeling quite low anyway because he just had a tooth pulled, innocently induired of Haggerty whether it wasn't true the entire Mid-West had to play basketball according to the Big Ten interpretation thereof, :That was all the boys needed, Haggerty answered and went into a discussion of what constituted a blocking foul. Neil Cohalan, Manhattan coach, jumped into the fray feet first and asked the boys why didn't they get together and interpret the rule uniformly. Whereupon Clair Bee, the Long Island U. coach came up with arms swinging and used chairs, harmless writers who were in- nocently drinking their coffee, and salt and pepper cellars to ill- ustrate the difference between.the legal screen and illegal block, ‘JUMPS AND BUMPS. At a late. hour yesterday, the ficcadilly lobby was still be- ing stirred out of its mid-afternoon lethargy by the, sight of staid coaches and. dignified. basketball. writers jumping in front of each - other, bumping into each. other and asking "But. what's this?"