‘put it over, 10 -= EDITOR'S NCTE: Here you are gentlemen, a new backboard or a set of them, or what have you, This information is submitted by Mr. C.D.Waller --and forwarded .by H.E.Foster, Coach of Basketball, University of Wisconsin, mn ifr: , = > : y Di clarver’s petteres = oe Gentlemen; T have & backboard for. basketball that requires othe skill of marksmanship and luck to make the score and, skill of each palyer on a pivot. play. .It could be made into a double basket and allow "Fot*Luck" scores from the 4-ft zone back-goal, or by chance, every ball: that goes through the back basket counts 2 off - 4 off'or’6 off the finals, Here in comes the Element of luck or sorrow to the final score. © oi. The hew device eliminates the "Old Bumper luck" and demands inarksmanship, What I would like. to do is let "U of Ww" , -, give it a trial, actually play a game or series of games, on the’ darn thing, and I am sure some brand new "thrills in scores" and yellS will. develop. I have no money to put it ever, but I am sure tiiat-a ‘stall aporopriation om tne part of open minded sports will give-it test, and place,basketball on / a "Hockey - Baseball - & to 1 ee ene! meet never | to 3 5 to O basis and de- mand skill and luck from: the Ineavers, "Drop ihe, é lieeaet IAT TSS ESA i - b- ($62 ahecth ————] 5 OED . ST ae aponts Yours, Lruly | ie | | ok | gy ag | z tt icy i eats Cap Wal er, doe! ott The Bas} Baller. cee rrr! ” * Double ‘baske 4 u { athe eres Gomer sahoti ce as ss By @o91L «. . I wonder * if any of them are any good a) Ae one ee (ine) nial iy, bet \NUTS / . AtthtipeLs ie ac os Wa ee 2 Sapp ; c » Why nov anvengO (ib (7 Uy): | Throw the basket (5 ne a a over the ba}p? / u. WIs Aamasol? oggt Les. ; }