- SE BASKETBALL REBCUNDS Fitt Coach Annoyed by 'Loboy' for Changes, Tosses in some Good Fointers, By Everett B, Morris. For years Dr. Harold ¢ Carlson,M.D, Pittsburgh University's Health officer, and basketball coach, has enjoyed .-.if that is the word - a not undeserved reputation in our game as aggre tie “of a stormy petrel, It has. been the custom to bracket him wit such niviaahor ended hoppers: and convention eirdirdnds as Plgey Loeber’ and Doc Meanwell. “ But. time and his. ‘en Let’ Seite < Ca Lling eaves combined to mellow r,.Carlson's nature and: t0 reduce. the violence. of. its Sap i OR h~ ness, As befits a figure: of his status in the ‘sports, he has come to look upon’ basketball and its © yee wi oh. on enselfich, toler- ént and understanding yee) - Consequently, he has: been fhuch a) stutwea: bg ‘tho peens wave of suggestions for altering the game, Proposats to go-:back to the rules of -ten years ago ond counter-propogals to: toh the baskets, establish traffic zones, use smaller’ balls andido dway with the backboards cause im to Rpinkie his “brow in.perplexity. PINT LLIGENT Ap? ROACH URGED %, "There is- nothing | wrong with basketball “that cannot be cured » with a properly intelligent: ‘ooprocach," ne..sayss- "To put: it bluntly, ‘the fault lies right-with us, the condues, as "This maze of” rule chang GS leads, to nowhere, it>ts..a man- ifestation of dissatisfaction “with thé situations which force the officials to decide the winners in a great majority of ali games, We should have hed the courage end intelligence to face reality When the pivot’plcy erystalized the fundamental issue of contact several years ago, We evaded the issue by restricting ereas on the floor rather then defining our game as non-contact, And now we have more territoral claims to cause more wars, "If we can return to the one fundamental of a non-contact game, most of: the complexities will become simplified, The players can end will play a non-contact game if they know waht to expect, The officials will not be forced to define the varying degrees of contact, Their work will be comparatively simplified by the per- sons responsible for the contact, "Let us begin a campaign to help the officials rather than confound them further," 7 REST CURE FOR COACHES Furthermore, the good doctor has a concrete plan for helping the harried whistle-tocter, He suggests that a coach, instead of putting the blast on referees in th ie heat of disappointment, after losing games, go home, sleep on his troubles and the next day think the whole matter over ‘rationally.. "Then," Dr, Carlson suggests, Continued.