i Be ‘let him write a letter to the official, constructively criticizing the unsatisfactory phases of his work, And let him send a carbon copy of the letter to the opposing coach and to the head of the leegue or,.officials! association, Critical coaches are not likely to be so violent or unfair in their criticism if they know that their colleagues and league officials are going to read the com- plaints, "In this way an official can check up on himself, If he re- ceives several complaints of the same nature he will know that some part of his work is fundamentally wrong and will take steps to correct it, Our game is at the mercy of the officials and we must. help them all we can, I'm sure that they. Sh gs PpPreeie ate properly expressed and intelligent criticism, "EDITORS NOTE BP exe gees _ ‘Panger College of East Orange, New: Jersey has won 40 straight Gomes. a. Ce i ) Western Kentucky ‘State won the Southern’: dé bicitaefato title for the fourth straight time, beating Lousiana Nornal in. the final tournanent game, “University o of "Genter biaut and Rhode Istand State Collezea put on the grcatest offensive show of .the year ‘on Pebrt.ccy 24th Rhode Tsland winning 1O2 «+. BL. .e shooting of both teams was remarkable. The return engagement at. Storrs, Connecticut on Varch 9th was won by | Rhode Island AD = 46 in the last second ‘of the game. ’ Broberg of Dartmouth missed his 46th foul after throwing 45 streight, This young men also broke thé Ivy league scoring record, Coach Mike Brume low of Texas. Girtsttor says "}eave the rules alone, I can't think of any changes that would help us. After his team fem 849 last in. ‘the Soutuern anes for five years... “Coach Harold a. Olsen of ‘gid State Weg gs questionnaire sent to coaches in his area including Indiana, Chio, T¥finois, VWiseonsin, Minnesota, he ontucky, - ‘est. Virginia,ang Fennsylvania shows that the. coaches. are well satisfied with the rules as they stand. We feel we,,have a game full. of spectators interested, and we want to keep it that way." | ; "By. ae pe Hage “Indiana, was picked over Furdue for the “Kigale Weal; representative in tae. N. C A. A. _tournament. Got