i é ~i6 + President Elliott at the banquet givén the champion Purdue team said "When we honor athletes let us Also honor the student who is inside the athlete. Coach Lambert paid « real tribute to his squad when he said "This may not be tne greatest team Purdue has ever had, but it has shown courage that never has been equaled, ‘Ib. conld have Lost at Bien gee, Wisconsin or Illinois, but won on sheer. courage : It is our opinion that ‘spring pasketball should be dis- pensed with altogether, Some day. the college authorities are going to get smart and do away with this out of the season stuff, George Keogan of Notre Dame speaks up and says “ Its funny but the middle westerners allowed the Pacific Coast to come along and take the game away from them, Now you'd hardly recognize it as basketball, Its hodge-podge, The boys run up and.down the floor and shoot. Why only thé other day a fellow who really used to work -on his boys told me he had forgotten. fundamentals, He said there was no point in wasting time with them now that the game is strictly disorganized.skirmishing. There is no science to basketball, you don't see the finished players, you don‘t see tine fine defe msive work that .charaeterized the old game, Ernest Blook - 63 year cld ‘pesketball mentor has scored over 1 ,COO victories, The "Lrofessor" first sprang to fame at Passaic High School. where his Gm ia. 200. vidtories-against ona defeat from 19156 “1925 7 Passeic eld a ‘Virtual’ monophy'on high Bchoos championships earidd that times In “hps last -years cat | ssaic his. "wonder" “tcams netted 159 streight, Blood certainly aoula know G lot of this game's inerensing pop Whori ty and he expressed a belief that basketball has reached tne peai. of per- fection end he -urges that we let the ruies. stand as they are. Bill Hepac, tne Illinois basketball ace, must be quite a Leader,»@s. well es a cager, liost sports writers’ picked him for the all Big. Ten. te ch end its captain, too, , Harry: Rabenho rst, coach: of ‘Louisiana’ State University and Johnny Mauer, coach of Penne ssée, blasted the glass backboards used in some courts, The former said "When you go out and wheel around it's like looking through a window, E. C. Quigley, veteran @11 around official said the Kansas -University. - Missouri. game. was. one. of the best games he ever saw, The fans also thought. it was tops for thrills. In, a recent game between Satan. Celifornia and Stanford - the. former. team stalled for five minutes to protect a 37 - 3% lead, During the’ stall ttanf ord: committed six. flagrant fouls and U.S.C, refused to try the free throw each time. Was not this rule inserted in the rule book to eliminate this deliberate foul and why was the players not banished from the game?