«58 Gordon Gilmore, Sports “‘Iriter in speaking of the Minnesota - Wisconsin game mentioned "The game was rougher than sandpaper and sent more players reeling and spinning than the tumbling exhibiton between halves, The Badgers showed more, disposition toward ab- usivness with three of their number in the brig for four personal fouls, This game combined social graces of a backroom brawl with refined elegance of an alley fight . Western State Teachers of Bowling Green, Kentucky will re- present the third district. “Yestern Hilltoppers won their ninth straight Kentucky Intercollegiate Conference championship and also were victorious in the Zzouthern Intercollegiate A, A, for the fourth successive time, The I'adison Square Garden 4ll-smerican team, picked by the seven metropolitan coaches, from teams ap ,saring tiere this season is - Ralph Vaughn and Edward Riska of Notre Dame forwards - John Dick: of Cregon, center and Jerry Steiner of Butler -and Edward Jilkovien of Duquesne at guards, , From California - Tiose sentimental Stanfords have decreed that number seven (7) jersey immortalized by Angelo Luisetti snall never more be issued and the original jersey, if it can be found, shall be enshrined in the trophy case beside Ernie Nevers' number one €1).football jersey. Thay say that Everett Dean of Stanforc and libs ! ice yf University of California have recommended to the ‘ules Commi ttee that. the optional foul ruling, permitting out-of-bounds plays insteed of a free throw, be junked, Nat Holman gave a very fine and interesting talk on baskev- ball in frovidence, hod. Island recentiy. He told the audience how the Celtics played the opponents - viz slow - medium or hard, DANGEROUS FOR STECTATORS, TOO Silver Creek,N.Y., Feb.21 -(AF)- Bees Griewisch, 16, left guard on the Silver Creek High ®chool basketball team, says "sit- ting on the sidelines is just as dangerous as playing in the game," Here's wy: Last week, playing against Jamestown High, Griewisch snapped a bone in his left ankle as he scored a béesnet, — Lest night, serving es timekhecsper wnile uis teammates played Falconer High, he dislocated his left shoulder as he yanked the bell rope, ending tne game. NEWS Nat Holman will have sufficient copies of his selected biblio- grafly on basketball to give each member attending. the Kansas City Convention arch 69 - 30, Of course they wili be presented with Nats compliments, Ee sure: and:come and get your copy, as ‘this ought to be an added incentive to attend,