“7 ce we. Arthur Lonborg (Northwestern Universit) "I'll cast my vete with Sheose opoosed to such proposed shangas in basketball as the elimination of the GCGRUGr jU00. Mm the first place, as I see it, the center jump is definitely a part. of pasket- ball and quite properly so. I am opposed to working the boys any harder then necessary and that is exactly what doing away with the center jump would mean. Every one knows that basketball hs it is played today is one of the most strenuous sports. Take away the center jump and you’1l1 make it exen more strenuous, The pause that follows every score while the players line up for the next jump gives every man a chance to catch his breath and to snatch a moment's rest, 4 College boys are young these days amd they need that added in- stant of relaxation. Putting the ball into play from the side lines would extend the average actual playing time of a game almost five minutes and that is agking too much of the players.” All these quotations are from Associated Press articles car-~ ried in the Newark Evening News. They support the arguments against. the irrational awarding of the ball to the opponents out of bounds after a success ful foul goal. Retain the center jump as usual after each goal, but taxe time out while the ball is being returnec to center. Time would ve ou: from the time the ball entered the basket until it reaches its height when thrown up at center. Time out to be taken during re- turn of ball to center, after each field goal, or fouk goal. The "pall-bearers walk" back to the ceriter Circle cannot right— ly be considered as a part of the playing game; it is more like the lull between plays in football or innings in baseball. That lit- tle rest is needed and is good for the players; but it shovld not be counted as part of the playing ae for no playing is being done then. These time-outs aftsr scores would save considerable playing time. Teams and spectators both would thue benefit. How much time would be saved? In an experimental game of’ 32 minutes (4 quarters of 8 minutes each) the time saved was