©. G, COLWELL, PRESIDENT fe —_, HENRY OTTO, VICE PRESIDENT L. B. BURT, VICE PRESIDENT A oN oe MARIE SHEAFOR LAKE, SECRETARY-TREASURER W. H. ROBBINS, VICE PRESIDENT Le = fo ew WM. HURXTHAL MILLER, ASST. SECRETARY REFERRED FIRE mn iSURANCE COMPANY | TOPEKA, K KANSAS | aia THE i SPRADLEY-BOLEN AGENCY l i Public Utility Building — ie Salina, Kansas ig September 18, 1942 Dr. Forrest (Pog) Allen, Kansas State University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear PHRog: A short time ago I received a letter from Virgil Baer, the athletic coach of Dickinson County High School at Chapman, Kansas, in which he asked me to speak at a physical education meeting to be held in Salina, Kansas, during the coming Teachers! Convention. The subject that he assigned was "What I Consider a Good Physical Education Program." I can't figure out why he picked on me because I have been removed from any physical program for a long time, except for the program we have at the local Y.M.C.A. However, I told Virgil I would do the best I could, and now I am calling on my experienced friends that I know can help me on this assigned subject. Any suggestions, pamphlets, books, or anything else you think might help me in my talk that you have access to and can send me will certainly be appreciated. I might give you my word of honor that I would guarantee the safe return of anything you might send. It has been quite a while since you have paid Salina a visit. I think you should try to favor us with your presence before too long. I hardly think you would recognize our fair city. I suppose you have heard that the government is putting in a fairly large air base and cantonment. I imagine within the next month or six weeks they will be completed. This new influx of people has really changed the local complexion. I know you are having the same experience in Lawrence. If all goes well I am contemplating coming to Lawrence this fall to see a football game or two. Thanking you in advance for any assistance you can give me in helping me with my subject, I am ourgs’WVvery truly, DB:Z ae