The repert of A.A.Schabinger, chairman of the rules section will be important. The recent season has seen more intensive study and research work by the coaches than ever before. The results of hundreds of experiments have been tabulated, and each proposal of any merit has been tested. Among these have been experiments with higher goals, new locations for the backstops,changes in the center jump, limitations for the pivot post, elimination of the ten second rule, and alteration in the timing rules. These and other features will be discussed minutely. After exhaustive consideration by the members votes will be registered, and the results submitted to the National Rules Committee. It is in this manner that the coaches’ group can render invaluable service to the game, and at the convention these meetings are featured by the earnest and serious effort displayed. The responsibility that should be in the heart of every coach demands his presence, his voice, and his vote at this time, KEEP IN THE RANKS - BRING A NEW MEMBER (Important extracts from a letter written by Nat Holman, C.C.N.Y.,to Hastern coaches are copied here since these are equally applicable to other sections. Basketball coaches must not only keep up their own memberships but should feel a responsibility to bring their co-workers . into this organization. ) "Saw a huckster this morning, while on the way to college, with his wagon loaded with fruit and vegetables -- a most appealing display it was. He was passing along a street flanked on one side by a huge warehouse, on the other by a five acre empty lot. There was not a house within two blocks,and still this huckster was going along, yell- ing at the top of his voice, ‘potatoes, cabbages, tomatoes, oranges”. "It occurred to me that here was wasted effort - a man try- ing to sell merchandise without contact with a customer. He was wast- ing his energy and his sales ammunition in yelling to brick walls and a field. Better it would have been had he reserved his strength until he came upon a street where there were houses, and where there were possibilities of listeners and customers. "I could not help but liken this little incident to a mail- ing list of basketball coaches which contains a number of names that are no longer prospects. YOU OUGHT NOT TO STEP ONT OF TH™ RANKS AT THIS TIME:KERP ALIVE TO WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE GAME YOU LOVE SO MTOR. MEET THE MEN WHO ARE COACHING IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. SLIP- PING ? Of course not. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP AT ONCE. ----- "Basketball has gone forward by leaps and bounds this win- ter. We want to keep it up there where it rightfully belongs. To do so requires a solid organization composed of men in the game who are suf- ficiently interested to cope with its many problems. The rules have to be uniformily interpreted; the matter of screening with the ball and without the ball; the pivot play directly underneath the basket,etc., have to be handled. Only by voicing your opinion on these matters at our next Convention scheduled for APRIL 3rd, 4th and 5th at the Hotel Sovereign, in Chicago, can we truly obtain a representative opinion of the coaches throughout the country. "JOIN NOW. MAKE it your business to be at the Convention. Dont't think two or three Eastern representatives are sufficient to raise any dust on important changes that may be presented for imme d- idate action. KEEP IN THE RANKS.”